A time for appreciation | Teen Ink

A time for appreciation

March 2, 2016
By Magnavox BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Magnavox BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm summer day and Avery was sleeping. As the sun slowly started to rise she gently opened her eyes. The sun felt warm on her face. She got up and went down the kitchen.
"What's for breakfast today mom?" asked Avery.
"Bread and milk," said her mom.
“Again,” complained Avery.
“Don’t give me attitude”, angrily warned her mom.
Avery threw herself on the chair and forced herself to eat the food.
“Get ready for the day, said her Mom      
“Why would I do that, it’s going to be boring anyway,” complained Avery.
       “You better get ready and don’t give me any lip,” warned her mom.
She grunted to herself but went up to her room anyway. She quickly changed into her clothes and walked downstairs, and tensely left the house. As she was leaving her mom thought, Why is Avery being rude lately? Apparently she doesn’t appreciate that I’m the one working in this family. I’m the one that’s supplying her with the food. She should be happy that she has anything to eat. I should probably have a talk with her about her behavior lately.
As Avery was at school she thought about the argument she had earlier with her
mother. It seemed to be affecting her school work and she couldn’t concentrate on the
work that was in front of her.
As she was sitting in class she thought, Why can’t my mom understand that I need more than just bread and milk. I’m still a growing girl. Doesn’t my mom care about me? She continued on through her day like normal. At lunch she took in all the food she
could for she knew that that was her only big meal of the day. As she got on the big yellow school bus, she feared going home because that conversation that she had that morning came back into her mind. She walked up the long driveway and quickly opened the door. She walked in the door her mom asked “Hi, how was school?”
      “Fine I guess. I actually got to eat a big meal today during lunch since my breakfast was little” replied Avery
       “I actually wanted to talk to you about that” said her mom.
At the sound of that Avery's heart started to pound. She thought, Here we go, I
knew she would talk to me about the morning and all my rudeness over the food.
“I don't feel like talking to you about that right now.” said Avery
“That’s okay, when ever you are ready.” answered her mom
Avery went up to her room, sat on her bed, and got out one of her old books, I wonder what she wanted to talk to me about. I wonder if it's bad. I should probably just go down and talk to her. It may not be bad after all. I’ll never know if I don't go down there, she thought.
She shut her book, got up, and went downstairs with a little bit more
confidence in each step. She still was a little afraid of what her mom was going to say,
but she was ready for it. 
As she slowly crept over to the kitchen she could see the shadowy silhouette of her mom over by the table.
“Mom, I think I'm ready to talk now.” said Avery.
“Okay sit down across from me” replied her mom.
She pulled out the chair, sat down, and gazed into her mother’s blue eyes to see if
they were filled with fury or gentleness. They didn't look like they were filled with fury, so she relaxed into the soft chair and was able to calmly  focus on what her mom was going to say next.
“Avery I wanted to talk to you about your attitude towards our food. Tell me why it
bothers you so much.” said her mom.
“Well it bothers me because I'm usually starving by lunch time and I don't like
having the same thing every single day. “replied Avery
“Well I can understand that. What do you think we could do to help this problem? asked her mom.
“I don't know. I'm only 18,  what could I do? asked Avery.
“Well you are old enough to to get a job aren't you. If you got a job you could buy
your own food.” said her mom.
“I don't know if I could do that.” said Avery
“If you don't think you could get a job, I would be happy to supply you with all you
need. It just seems hard to do that because everyday you seem to have a problem with the only food we do have in the house.” said her mom.
         “We eat the same thing every day. Could you possibly change up the food?” asked Avery
         “It would be a lot of change but I could try. Next time I go to the store I'll try to find something else for us to eat.” said her mom.
      “That would be nice. I'm sorry I've been rude lately. I haven't realized how much you've
done for this house. I know realize that if it wasn't for you I wouldn’t even be able to live here.” said Avery.
“That's nice to hear. I'm glad to know that you appreciate all that I do around here.
After that Avery and her mom embraced each other and because of that
conversation they grew closer that day. The air seemed to be light.  Avery knowing that even though they didn't have that much money, her mom still could provide her with all the essentials she needed for living and the fact that her mom would try to change up what they had to eat even if it meant not having the biggest meal. Her mom knowing that her daughter could appreciate all that she does and won't complain if she has to eat the same thing every day.
Avery thought, I'm glad we had that conversation. We needed to talk about it. I'm glad my mom is able to provide for us even though we don't have a lot of money. I can see that my mom does love me.
Her mom thought, I'm glad Avery can see all that I do. I will try to buy different food so
they don't seem like we’re having the same food everyday. I'm glad we had that conversation. I was able to know what Avery was really feeling and by knowing that we were able to talk it out and come up with a solution. Now I know that she appreciates all that I do and I will try to do all I can to help her.

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