The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

March 2, 2016
By Hayden75 BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
Hayden75 BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a crisp fall evening on court 902 the first three digits of Compton California’s zip code. Temperatures frigid as the dark night sky appears. Court 902 as of right now is uninhabited,desolate like a ghost town in southern Russia. Only for one individual to come try and make his dreams a reality . . .this individual was named Jerome Arthur Jones.

Jerome is a 17 year old senior in high school, he’s a 6’7 245 pound small forward for the Lakeview Dragons basketball team outside of Los Angeles. Jeromes one dream that he has had since he was a young man was to get a scholarship to a division 1 college for basketball. Specifically from the University of California (UCLA). However there is one major problem that will halt Jeromes dream of getting a division one scholarship, his poor grades and a poor SAT score.
Right now Jerome is putting a close on his night workout, something that Jerome has added to his daily life.
“Jerome get over here!” his father shouted angrily. “Look at this report card!” “Don’t look down at the ground look at the report card”. his father shouted with his face as red as a red pepper.
“What dad? I don't see anything wrong with it”. Jerome said carelessly. “My grades are my grades they are not gonna change” He said without a care in his tone of voice.    
“But….. Don't you understand Jerome if your grades do not change not only will you able to get into a division 1 college as a walk on, you will not even be eligible to receive a scholarship from schools because it would violate the NCAA scholarship rules for athletics”. Jerome’s father Bob said worriedly with a large quantity of concern in his voice.    
“But Dad... school is challenging for me and the teachers are tougher on me because I play on the basketball team”. Jerome said calmly.   
“Obviously teachers are going to be tougher on you because you play basketball.
Don't forget also you are on the news and in the newspaper. Teachers also know how you have the potential to not only go to a division 1 university for basketball, and they also believe that you have the potential to get drafted and become a peritoneal super star in the NBA”.
“That's why teachers are so tough on you Jerome, because they know who you are that’s why. I just really need you to try a little more son, your grades not only will help you graduate high school they will help you get that lifelong dream of yours, a scholarship from a division 1 school.” Bob daintily said with a large quantity of sadness and concern in his voice.   
“Alright I understand…I will try to get my grades better for you”. Jerome said.   
“What do I always say son, action ALWAYS speak LOUDER than words”. Bob shouted courageously like he just won the national championship.    
Alright I'll try to get my grades up not just for you but for colleges”. Jerome said.
“Thank you,alright let's go home”.Bob said.
The two went home in the car and ate dinner what the two do every day after Jerome’s night workout and ate grilled chicken and mashed potatoes a daily meal in the two’s household. Afterwards Jerome went to take a shower and then went in his room to “do” his homework. Jerome usually after he gets out of the shower he goes up to his room and plays video games. Just because of the talk with his father in the car it does not mean that will change his horrendous habits.
       “Jerome”! His father screamed up the stairs
“What!!!!” Jerome screamed back.
“What are you doing”? Bob screamed.
“Uh… nothing….” Jerome said frantically as he was trying to turn off his game console quickly before his father comes into his room. His father yanked the door open and looked angered at his son.
“Son have you actually been doing your homework or were you playing on your little game thing or whatever it’s called”.
“But dad…”
“No buts son.” Jerome’s father said proudly. “Do your work!”
Jerome’s father yanks his son’s game console right out of the tv and shouts “WHEN your Grades improve drastically then you can have this back”. Jerome’s father shouted angrily.   
An hour after the conflict with his father Jerome starts to realize that his father is right.
“Damn...maybe he was right I need to get my life in check if I ever want to be successful”. Jerome dimly mumbled.
    2 months have passed since the incident, since then Jerome overall average has astonishingly increased from a D+ to a B+.
“Pops look”! Jerome shouted.
“What why are you yelling son”? His father carelessly said.
When his father how much his grades improve he gets up out of his seat slower than a snail going through the Amazon Forest.        
“Im proud of you son”. Jerome’s father said crying with happiness in his tone of voice.
The next week was an important week in Jerome and every other high schools athletes week, it was national signing day. Now that Jerome’s grades are deemed eligible to receive a division one scholarship from division one colleges. Jerome received offers from many colleges. The three he narrowed it down to Duke, USC and his dream college UCLA.
“Thank you all for being here today. It's a very special day for me and my father. Furthermore I think everyone here and in the country want to know where I will be playing basketball next year. So let's cut to the chase next year I will attending the University of California”! Jerome proudly shouted.

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