Sad Stories Within These Walls | Teen Ink

Sad Stories Within These Walls

February 27, 2016
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

Man if these F***ing walls could talk they would tell you a story of woe, listen here and I'll start it off slow.

Little girl 12 years old standing in her bedroom up against the wall, hiding her new toy as her daddy tries to crawl to her feet, she swings and misses and lands on the floor. "Get up" she tells her self , "he can't win this time" she begins to rise to her feet, grabs her new toy and kicks him in the teeth. "Not this time daddy, never again! You took my purity, you took my innocence!" She screams at the top of her lungs. 

Little boy 14 years old left all alone, fending for his own. Got into a bad habit of chasing the white rabbit, up and down the street. Taking what he wanted, leaving the rest for the streets. Little boy walking in the park momma always told him "don't go out at dark" he didn't care. Little boy grabbed his gun, walked down the street and began to have some fun. BANG BANG off went his gun. Bullet to the head now little boy is gone.

Young girl 16 years old had to find out the hard way the world can be so cold. Mommas in jail, daddy is dead. She wakes up every morning hopping to be dead. Takes another swig of her bottle seems like that's her only friend. Young girl likes to make friends, hangs out at the park after dark, meets a new friend. He said his name was Mathew and they became friends. One night on the block she went out side, and to her surprise Mathew was walking up the street to give her a surprise. Terrified what he might do she starts to head inside. To late here comes Mathew walking down the street with a gun by his side. He yells her name but she doesn't reply, he screams out to her "You killed out baby now it's your turn to die" BANG BANG of went a gun, it was her mother.. her fun had only just begun.

Young man 18 years old, lives in a broken home. He never new his father, mother was always gone. Hooked on dope is where we will start his song. Him and his momma never got along, he had a younger sister. Some little punk shot her, now he's all alone. Turning to drugs and violence is the only way he can Silence the voices inside his head. Went out hoppin with a few of his friends, chasing dragons is where his story ends.

~sad stories within these  walls~

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