My Disability | Teen Ink

My Disability

February 22, 2016
By aj732 BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
aj732 BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, my name is Esther I am 18 years old. I may seem like a normal girl living in a small town in Washington but there is something different about me. I am confined to my wheelchair; why am I in a wheelchair? Well, I have semi-severe CP. This stands for Cerebral Palsy which affects movement and muscle tone. I do not let this disorder get the best of me. I can use the hand crutches but it is hard for me to walk with them I get my small feet caught and trip over them, they had a mind of their own like a dog. I forgot to describe myself, I am five foot three have long blond hair and ocean blue eyes. My parents were very kind people they helped me with most things but they also tried to make me more and more independent. I cannot speak well but I can communicate through my speaking device. The speaking device was connected to my chair, it is like a computer that I can type the words and it speaks to the person I am with.
I worked at a small grocery store greeting people. That was the only job I could do without knocking down cans or braking fragile objects. I went to regular classes and was at the top of my class, High School was not easy but I got through it. Our school colors were a forest green and a golden yellow. I wore the yellow during my graduation. One of my pet peeves was and still is when people think I am stupid and talk to me in baby talk and loudly like I am deaf. I thought and still think, I am smarter than your friend and you combined. Why do they think I am retarded? It is so frustrating to me. I did not have many friends, they all thought that I was a freak. But I had to give credit to a football player who was very strong, had reddish-brown hair, and beautiful green eyes. He told his friends to bug off when they were making fun of how I eat. That was the best thing that ever happened to me.
He worked at the grocery store as a bagger, he brought it out for the customers if they needed the help. He was such a nice guy! He would always fist bump me when he was getting back from helping the customers. He actually made me feel like a real human being.
It was finally the day of graduation and I was so scared to speak in front of everyone. I had never spoken in front of a bunch of people like this before. We all went down the aisle as a class, me included with my crutches. It was the happiest moment of my life. It was time for me to shine like the sun on stage. When I got to the podium I almost fell on the stairs but luckily for me my feet wanted to work today. When I actually got to the light wood podium, I spoke to them like any Valedictorian's speech would be. It was about how even though we were leaving this high school we would have one thing in common, we all went to this high school. What I did not tell them was that I was glad that I would be leaving because they have always teased me, even in elementary school. They made fun of the way I ate, talked when not using the communication device, and how I walked. But that did not stop me from graduating or having a good day, it made me stronger in who I was. I wanted to be more independent so I used the hand crutches, but my classmates made fun of me. I did not let them put me down.  
After the ceremony, we had a little get together. The party was at my house, we had very good food like lemon salmon, my favorite, and other casseroles like a very cheesy and delicious macaroni and cheese. Everyone brought their own food because it was a potluck style meal. I went around to everyone and made sure they were having a good time and to thank them for coming. Then to my amazement I saw Edmund the football player that had told those boys to bug off. I did not know that he was coming to the party. I felt my cheeks start to burn up like they were on fire. This had never happened to me before. When I finally didn’t feel like a fool, I went over to where he was and thanked him for coming. He gave me a big hug and kissed me on the cheek. I thought to myself that was the last time I would see him. Three months later I would pack my things.
The day would finally came when I would go off to College and spread my wings. My mom put my hair up in a fishtail braid, it was my favorite look but I could not do it myself because of my muscles. My mom and dad drove me to college, it was very hard for my mom to keep a straight face, she was very emotional with these types of things. My dad on the other hand gave me a giant bear hug and a big of kiss on the cheek. They helped me to get all my things into the dorm. I had quite a few things with me. I took the bottom bunk because of my disability. I have always wanted to sleep on the top bunk though. My roommate finally came in just as I was trying to put my clothes away, but failing.
In a soft tone of voice she said, “Could I help you with that? You look like you are having quite a bit of trouble with your bags.”
I mentioned with my machine, “ Yes, that would be great. My name is Esther, what is your name?”
“ My name is Bella, I like your name so much! It is so cute!” My new roommate said.
“ I like your name too!” I tried to exclaim with my computer.
“ If you ever need anything at all just tell me Esther!” she exclaimed.
“ Thank you so much, I will.” I mentioned.
We then went to check out the really old dorm that was made out of light brown brick, with vines going up it like snakes crawling up the building.  Bella helped me when it came to opening doors but I could manage the rest of the time. There was a really nice area to sit in, which had a fireplace and couches surrounding a tv in the corner by the big windows. I was glad that Bella was my roommate she was really nice to me and treated me with respect and dignity. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
One day when I was out by myself, guess who I saw. It was none other than Edmund himself. I was surprised to see him there, I thought he went to the community college in my hometown, but here he was in the flesh. Why am I blabing about this? I needed to get to my next class!
I felt like I fit in, nobody made fun of me, there were no groups everyone just hung out with each other. It was the best feeling, I finally felt independent. This is the exact feeling that I felt on graduation day. Edmund had asked me to go to a party and I accepted, he then professed his love for me out in the beautiful flower garden. Now he and I were now dating and in a serious relationship. He always made me feel special, even in High School. He would help me in College with my books and bring me to every class.
We “walked” down together at graduation. He was wearing blue and I was wearing orange. Let me just say that was not my favorite color to wear. It was a very special day in our relationship. Bella was right behind us so if I were to fall then she would catch me. She was always there for me when I needed her. Even when I got married to Edmund she was there for me, she was my best friend.
The ceremony was beautiful, the sun was shining bright. My mom was of course crying like she usually does for these kind of events. Even my dad had a teardrop in his eye. I was going to physical therapy every day not just twice a week so I could walk better down the aisle with my crutches. It was totally worth it when I saw my “husband’s” face. He was in awe that I was walking on my crutches. I didn’t notice that he was crying until my dad handed me over in marriage. He was wearing a black tux with a wine colored tie, his hair was gelled up, his hair was short unlike when I met him. I wanted to try to say my vows which I think would stun him because he had never heard me speak before. The words came out sloppy and slow but he knew what I meant, he was crying even harder then he was before.
He said, “I do”
Then after he said those words we went to the reception. The reception was very beautiful. My dress was short for a wedding dress but I wanted a dress that I would not trip  over. It was white and covered in a rose patterned lace, my veil was also at the tips covered in the same lace. It was the most beautiful dress! Anyways, back to the reception. There were hors d'oeuvres  of shrimp and other tasty snacks. After I danced with my dad, finally got to dance with my loving husband. It was the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. Everything seemed to slow to a halt just for us and us alone.
Fast forward a couple of years, I am 25 and we both have stable jobs and two beautiful kids, one boy and one girl. The boy is two and the girl three months. The boy with the strawberry blond hair is Wiat. The girl with very little blond hair is Ally. It was hard work for me to handle the two kids but with the help from Edmund it worked out fine.
Just as things were getting stable in my life, I was thrown a curveball.The hospital called that Edmund had gotten in a severe car crash. His legs were both broken, the car was totaled. I had to call Bella so she would watch over the kids while I was gone. “Be good and listen to Bella.” I told them. “We will!” Wiat exclaimed.
When I finally got to the hospital I had a hard time opening the door, eventually I got it open. I semi-quickly went into the gift shop to get him his favorite candy, Milky Way. When I was done with that I rolled into the golden like elevator, not real gold of course. Another person was in there with me, she was a woman about my age she was a nurse. She asked me, “ What floor do you need?” “Six” I told her.
“Well six it is!” she said with some enthusiasm. In the elevator there was some soothing classical music that I liked. I got off the elevator and went to room 623 where they said he would be. I tried knocking but my hands had a mind of their own. Edmund heard me and I could here him tell the nurses to open the door for me.
When they did I told both my husband and them, “ thank you so much.” Edmund had both of his legs put up and in casts. He seemed to be perky and happy to see me.
He said to me, “ How are you doing Esther?”
I exclaim, “ I am doing wonderful now that I know you are okay! You really worried me!”
He questioned me, “ How are the kids? Are they with Bella?
I reassure him, “ They are doing fine and yes Bella’s watching them.”
He then told me that he would need to get physical therapy to move as well as he did before. I told him that we needed to schedule his appointments the same time as mine which was 6 o’clock at night.
Once his legs were strong enough to start physical therapy he did. We did it together he and I. I tried to encourage him by doing the exercises with him. He was actually doing very well with the exercises, and did not show any weakness. We also did water exercises to strengthen both of our legs which was very fun. This was one of the times I felt so free and so alive, with the water splashing against my face and the instructor telling us what to do in a gentle voice. I loved those times!
When Edmund was finally done with physical therapy he said to me, “ Now I know what you go through every day of your life you are so strong and courageous. I love you so much!”
I said to him back, “ I love you so much! I am so glad now you realize what I have been going through.”
Edmund still went with me to my physical therapy, we also go to the local pool to swim. Edmund just smiled and picked our children up with his strong arms and swim with Wiat on his back they were like fish swimming, I was with Ally just watching the two of them play and laugh together as father and son. I will forever remember that very moment my whole life.

The author's comments:

This story is based on people with Cerebral Palsy. 

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