Due To Part | Teen Ink

Due To Part

January 27, 2016
By LaurenMitchell BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
LaurenMitchell BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Christina’s long ash blonde hair, looked so pretty when she curled it. Naturally, her hair is fine, and wavy. As she was sitting on the floor, with a wand in her hand she asked her best friend, Kim, if she had missed any pieces. She hated feeling good about her hair then having someone tell her she had missed a piece. Her short 5’2” frame and bouncy curls was something guys adored.
Christina’s parents, Ryan and Olivia, got married as soon as they graduated high school. Her father, Ryan, was so eager to marry her mother, Olivia, that he popped the question the night of graduation. About five weeks later, Olivia found out she was pregnant.
Christina had a pretty good childhood and was very close with her parents. She wasn’t close with her grandparents on her mom’s side, but her dad’s side of the family spoiled her. She was raised as a Christian and was baptised when she was eight years old. A few weeks after she was baptised, her mother announced that she was expecting another baby. Christina loved being an older sister until she started freshman year of high school and everything that came out of her sister, Sally’s, mouth was so annoying. When the hormones and puberty progressed, she became distant with her sister and started to go out and party more.
Christina was very close to not being able to graduate because she didn’t focus on school, but the thought of not graduating high school scared her, and she quickly got her act together.
College was surprisingly a lot easier for Christina because the partying was something that didn’t exactly phase her anymore. She was focused and done playing games; she wanted to be successful. Christina’s first two years of college she studied to be a nurse, but she then decided to change her major so she could become a teacher instead. Christina enjoyed college for the most part, but when it came to big exams, it stressed her out. Not only was she often sleep deprived, but when she got stressed, she would start to bloat from all the junk food, and her face would break out with zits. She still managed to do very well on her exams, though. Once the final exams were over, Christina would go back into her normal routine, which consisted of movies, online shopping and going to Ruthie's Bar with Kim. They enjoyed drinking and singing karaoke at Ruthie’s. When it came to karaoke, it was a big fat joke. Two blonde white chicks on stage trying to sing Britney Spears is all funny, not cute. When it came to drinking, Christina was very good at handling her liquor. Christina was a heavy drinker in high school. She drank shots of Fireball, Jagermeister, Ciroc or Smirnoff right out of the fifth, every weekend. She learned her limits and could stomach a lot. Kim, on the other hand couldn’t handle her liquor and often was too drunk when they went out. Kim had a boyfriend named Rob, and he usually took care of her when she's got out of hand. Rob was a nice guy, and has been dating Kim for eleven months.
One night, Christina and her roommate Kim went out to Ruthie’s and Kim’s boyfriend Rob, met them there. Even though two guys approached Christina and offered to buy her a drink, she jokingly b****ed about being a third wheel. “You can’t complain about being the third wheel, when you have guys approaching you everywhere,” Kim said.
Time passed by, and Rob’s brother, Chad, came to Ruthie's to drop off money. Chad caught a glimpse of Christina when she was walking up to the bar to buy a Keno ticket and said, “Well, will you look at that dime.”
Kim said, “That’s Christina, you like..?” Chad nodded his head and quickly walked over to Christina and offered to buy her a drink. Christina usually played “hard to get” when it came to men, but when it came to Chad, she was head over heels. He was charming and she adored his soft smile, and slight wrinkles that cornered his deep brown eyes. After that night, there wasn’t a day that went by that they didn’t talk to each other.
A year later, the night of Christina’s graduation, Chad popped the question and asked Christina if she would marry him. She burst into tears, and was overwhelmed with happiness. They got married and had a traditional wedding. Christina and Chad Robinson purchased a house out in the country in Brooklyn, Michigan. Even though Michigan weather was something both Christina and Chad despised, they didn’t want to move away from their friends and family.
Everything moved really fast between Chad and Christina. They purchased a house and she became pregnant with a baby girl. Unfortunately, Christina miscarried in her sleep, five months into her pregnancy, and ended up giving birth to a premature baby in the middle of her bedroom floor. The baby was born as a stillborn, and there was no way to bring her back. After that incident, Christina didn’t really want to try and have kids again. Christina blamed herself for the miscarriage, but it wasn’t her fault.
Eight months after the tragedy of losing their first baby, Chad and Christina’s parents all came over for Christmas. During dinner, Chad’s parents asked Christina if she was planning on trying to have a baby again. She shook her head with a weak smirk and simply said “No.” It got awkwardly quiet, and Chad’s parents apologized for asking such an insensitive question. Christina’s parents changed the subject by talking about their new puppy, Sukee, they had adopted. Christina’s mother, Olivia, showed Chad's parents pictures of him on her phone.
“How cute!” hollered Chad’s mother. Christina’s sister Sally wasn’t paying attention. She was intrigued with her cell phone and she had earbuds in.
“BEEP BEEP!”, “BEEP BEEP!”, the fire alarms started to go off. Christina hopped out of her seat and ran into the kitchen where the sound was coming from. She put on oven mitts and pulled out burnt cookies that were in the oven. She giggled at first, and then started to laugh uncontrollably. She felt like everything was falling apart, and began to cry. Chad kissed Christina on the forehead and said, “Alright babe, I’m going to run to Meijer and pick up another pack of cookies.”
She giggled, “okay.”
He asked, “Is there anything else you want me to grab for you?”
“No, I’m fine with some cookie’s”, Christina replied.
  He grabbed his keys and she said, “Drive safe, I love you!”
“Love you too.” Chad replied with a smile and he kissed Christina on the forehead. Chad walked out the door. Christina grabbed the card game Apples to Apples from the hallway closet. She opened the box, shuffled, and then dealt the cards to her family. Olivia took away Sally's phone so she would participate but that just pissed her off. When the game began, Sally dropped the attitude.  Right off the bat, it was pretty intense and Chad’s mom was kicking everyone's ass. She said she had never played before, but her insane skills made everyone think otherwise. Her beginner's luck was unreal, and she had all the good cards. Everyone else was sore losers. After a few rounds of playing Apples to Apples, they started to play Charades. At this point, a few hours had passed and Christina started to wonder what was taking Chad so long. She tried to call him, but there was no answer. It was Christina’s turn to pick a little piece of white paper out of the bowl. She reached her hand in the bag and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, and it read “a dog pooping on the floor.” She burst out laughing and was about to act it out, but the doorbell rang.
“Hold on, let me go get that.” She ran over to the door and opens it, and is surprised to see a cop on her doorstep.
“Hello Ma’am, are you Mrs. Robinson?” 
“Yes, I am,” Christina replied.
“Do you mind if I take a moment of your time?”
“No, of course not, but can I ask what this is about?” he pulled Christina aside.
The cop took a deep breath and spoke slowly, “I’m sorry to inform you, that there has been an accident involving your husband, Mr. Robinson. He was in a head on collision, and was pronounced dead on the scene.”
Tears started to corner Christina’s eyes. “No, No, No my husbands name is Chad Robinson and he’s bringing home cookies.., He's coming home okay?” She repeated again, “He’s coming home.” The cop held Christina as she collapsed to the floor screaming.

Chad’s funeral was later that week, and a lot of friends were unable to make it due to the awful weather. They had an open casket for Chad. Christina spent most of her time by his side. Christina didn’t say much before or after the funeral, and when she got home her, sister and Kim stayed the night with her. They watched movies and tried not to bring up Chad, but almost everything reminded them of him. 
Christina fell into a depression and stayed in bed for months. She only got out of bed when she needed to use the bathroom.  She was falling apart and she hardly ate anything. Friends and family would frequently stop by to try and cheer her up but she just wanted to be alone. She was tired of people coming into her house and telling her that she needed to shower, and get out of bed. Christina had no clue how to move on, and whenever someone would open the door to her bedroom she would perk up as if it was her husband at the door. Christina started to get sick as time went on. She was unable to keep food down and about two months after Chad’s death, Kim stopped by and Christina was vomitting. Kim rushed over to Christina, pulled her hair out of her face and looked into her eyes.
“Christina, how long have you been this sick?”
“A couple weeks.” she gargled. Kim looked frustrated and drove Christina to the hospital. Kim knew that Christina needed to be seen by a doctor. When Christina and Kim arrived at the hospital they checked in and a nurse brought them back into an exam room. They waited and Christina tried to eat some saltine crackers, but even that wouldn’t stay down. The doctor came into the room and introduced himself. Then he asked Christina about her symptoms. She listed off a few things like headaches, nausea, loss of appetite and heartburn. He nodded, and said “Okay, I'm gonna run a couple blood tests and I will be back shortly.” The nurse took blood samples and sent them to the lab. Christina and Kim waited and the doctor returned about an hour and 15 minutes later with some news.
“Congrats Christina, your blood test came back positive and you’re pregnant.” Kim shot up out of her chair and starting jumping up and down with excitement.
“Christina!! You’re pregnant!”  Kim shouted.
Christina smiled and said, “Do you know how far along I am?”
The doctor examined Christina and said, “You’re about 20 weeks along, and the baby should be here in mid November.”
November came quick and Christina gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She named him Lorenzo Chad Robinson.  Christina calls her son a little piece of heaven and is thankful to have been blessed with him. As much as Christina missed Chad, she felt as if she had a piece of him.

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