Her Laughter | Teen Ink

Her Laughter

January 14, 2016
By doodler BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
doodler BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The quiet was oppressing. Bearing down on my vocal chords like a rock. I glanced around at the faces awkwardly. A woman with brown hair that faded into her leather bag which was slung over her shoulder. She was wearing cute dress with ruffles and cap sleeves although, staring vacantly at the door. A man with a square face who was obviously holding back a fart, hopefully he was getting off soon. A couple stood in the corner, turned away from everyone else, the taller girl with golden hair was holding her phone in one hand and showing it to her girlfriend. Their hands were intertwined and the other girl was sipping a coffee that filled the entire elevator with its pungent smell. The opposite corner was occupied by a small woman that was lounging against the walls, an iPhone in front of her face. Behind the phone only the edges of her face were visible, cateye eyeliner, a wide smile, round eyes, all set in a circular but thin face.
With a sudden realization, like be started awake from a dream, I became self aware. I was staring at the girl, staring at her pretty smile and beautiful smile. I jerked my head away and hoped no one else on the elevator noticed. Suddenly, like a dinner bell in the middle of a cornfield, her laughter broke the silence. It was a joyful sound that seemed to have escaped her lips on accident, for her eyes instantly widened and her mouth clamped shut. Her eyes scanned the eyes that were staring at her, while I was trying to keep my own laughter in. She paused for a second and really peer into my eyes, seeing the laughter ready to bubble over. There was another suffocating seconds of silence when, thankfully, the elevator dinged. The man who had to fart scurried through the doors, to take care of his business no doubt, and the woman in the dress slowly followed him. She was taking her time, maybe she had also noticed that the man had been holding back urges. As the black doors blocked out the outside world, the silence resumed. I seemed to trap me in my place. Now that I actually wanted to talk to the girl with the dark brown hair that was littered with light blue and purple streaks. But I didn’t, I stood there frozen and stared at the elevator doors. Two dark brown eyes bore back at me, they begged me to go talk to the girl. My mind joined the fight, reasoning that things can’t go that bad. Enticing my curious side with the mystery.
The elevator interrupts my thoughts with a piercing ding. All of the sudden reality slams me in the face, the girl starts gliding out of the elevator. And out of my life. I jerk forward against my will. Abruptly following her out of the elevator. Into a future.

The author's comments:

Realistic, gay.

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