Young OG | Teen Ink

Young OG

December 11, 2015
By meraz BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
meraz BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the city of Detroit a lot of unknown talents spring up but most are not seen because of how they look or where they come from. This is a story of a talent that was noticed. A young rapper going by the street name Young OG his real name being Erick . He has had much of a childhood ever since his dad walked out on him at the age of 13. From then on he took on the responsibility of man of the house. He grew up with 4 sisters being the only boy he didn't get much attention unless it was for something the girls needed.

One day he was on his way to the store,as he was walking a man walked up to him and asked if he could freestyle for him? Erick didn't know how to reply. He said “What”? Then the man paused looked at him then looked at his radio and music started playing. The man started talking in verses that were random but sounded like they made sense once the man was done he turned off his radio and he asked Erick if he wanted to try Erick said “sure” Erick said. The man pushed a button on his radio and the music came back on and Erick felt something then random words came spurting out like throw up.As soon as the music stopped he stopped the man looked at him with a cofused face then began to smile he said that was f*#$%ing dope Erick replied back with “really”? After that the man and Erick talked for a bit then the man gave Erick his card and walked away. Erick read the card and it said the man's name was jared and he worked for a record studio and turned the card over and said call if u want to make some money.

A few days passed since then. Ericks birthday was coming up and none of his sisters cared his mom cared but she only cared because if he got sent money for a birthday gift she would take it. A day after his birthday passed he is now 15 he looked at the card and called the number.The phone rang for a few seconds and then a voice came through and said “ aftermath studios how can I help” the voice was a women. Erick said “can I talk to Jared” the voice said “one moment” silence went on and then Jareds voice came through Jared said “hello” Erick said i'm the kid from a few days ago” Jared said yes I remember you i'm glad you called, in are few moments of talking I never caught your name Erick replied back with “my name is Erick”. Jared said “kid you got talent i'm going to offer you a big opportunity to make money. Erick said “ what will I be doing? He replied back with you are going to make a song for me and if it sells we are going make money,you are going to be rich. Erick thought for a second then agreed to it.

A month later Erick’s album was a hit.He was living the life making good money and not living like he's a slave. He moved out of his mother's house as soon as the album dropped. He didn't think of his family much after he moved out.Erick even dropped his name his mother gave him,he goes by Young OG.Basicly you can say he forgot all about his family.

Erick was thinking one day he was getting all of this money but it didn't add up to what he was making he talked to his manager jared.Jared has been making more of a profit then erick was making. Erick confronted him and tried to fire him,but he couldn't Jared was talking about how Erick was stuck in his contract and how he couldn't work for anyone else besides him.Erick didn't know what to do his solution was to go around and ask other studios.At this point his carrer was dropping fast he was not making songs this resulted in not making money.Eventally his carer was over he then quite rapping.


A few years later he was 19 at this point he had lost everything.He got a steady job doing construction he was making decent money,until he one day he went to work he was welding 2 metal pipes together as he was doing that a metal beam swung around and hit him.This caused him to go into a coma and never woke up from it.He died at the age 23 his music still lives on but he got too cocky and that caused his career to end all Erick cared about was money but is not everything.               


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