Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

December 11, 2015
By Baillargeonj BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Baillargeonj BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is the death of some writers. One day a writer can be going strong, getting sentence upon sentence transferred to a page, then in the next they would be lucky to get a few words down that make sense. This writer’s workshop was easy in the first two weeks. Ideas seemed to flow from me. Now in week three I didn’t know where to go… Until I realized, that the very thing keeping me from completing this last week of writing, could be the thing that fuels my writing for the week.
The week before this last week of writing was very easy. I had two okay topics that I turned into pretty good stories. So, as you may think, I was confident going into the last week. The whole weekend before this last writing week I found many quality ideas to write about, but now that I have actually sat down at my laptop, in the library, my mind has gone blank. I think I have stared out of this library window for over half of the time I was given to write. Don’t get me wrong, I did have a lot of ideas, it’s just none of them I would form into a story worth writing and turning in.
Now, I am stressing about finishing this week’s four pages. I know that it’s not that much and I did it so easily the two weeks prior, but there’s an added pressure of being original. This is the week where are supposed to exemplify our best writing and I feel like a car out of gas going up a mountain. Boy, I am sure glad that I figured out I could write about the very thing keeping me from writing anything. Who knows, I might still be staring blankly out the window, waiting for the class writing time to end.

The author's comments:

This is a personal narrative about a student who has a writing assignment and is having trouble forming an idea.

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