Step Child | Teen Ink

Step Child

November 19, 2015
By jjandrea BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jjandrea BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 I’ve dreaded this day from the moment I met that woman.  When my dad brought her home literally the first thing I thought about was a pig. This was in comparison to my mother’s slim figure and soft eyes.  My dad could be nominated for the worst down grade of all time.  Besides her looks my mom knew how to make my favorite food, calm me down, and make me laugh. Sure Sam tries to fill in the spot that my mom had in my life but it was far too mediocre to even pass for effort.

   Bridesmaids bustled around organizing flowers and fixing details around the house. Yes, my new step mom decided to have her wedding and celebration at the house. The only thing I could pick out that looked even remotely appealing was the flower that was in my dads suit pocket. Earlier this morning he gave me the brightest smile, a smile so bright that I had to smile back. He always could pull out a smile from me even when I was mad as can be.
     “Lana let’s go. The ceremony is starting soon.” said Maria, my favorite out of all the bridesmaids. She was the only one of Sam’s friends that I could stand to be in the room with. All the other ones were half stupid and didn’t talk about anything besides their unfaithful husbands who never spent time with them. Maria had a certain charm about her and was much prettier than my stepmother and her annoying bridesmaids.
   “You’ll have to drag me to even get me down the stairs.” I said playfully. She knew exactly how I felt about Sam and just the whole idea of my dad marrying any other woman besides my mom.  Maria pulled my hand from my lap and half dragged me through the back door.  The sun was at its mid rays and you could hear non-stop chatter all over. The crowd was a swirl of familiar and unfamiliar faces all mingling with each other. Unfortunately my family actually liked Sam’s family and they all got along. Except for my grandma who didn’t believe in divorce. Sure she ‘s a devoted Christian but she was always soft with my mother. With Sam she constantly gave her stern looks and chastised her for wearing clothes not appropriate for a 37 year old woman.
  “Lana come give grandpa a hug!” I hear from the crowd of chairs and people. Immediately I recognize a face I know all too well.
  “Grandpa Charlie I haven’t seen you in so long. How have you been? Where’s grandma.” I stumble over my words excitingly and look around Charlie’s shoulder to see where grandma could be.
  “I’m just fine little one, you’ve grown so much since I’ve last seen yo-“ I cut Charlie off sharply with a gasp. There I see by the gazebo grandma talking and laughing with Sam’s mother.  Somehow, even grandpa was astounded by the sight he saw. I rolled my eyes as far back as they would go and sat at my assigned seat. The cheap dress Sam picked out made me itch uncomfortably everywhere. 
    Music began to play and everyone took his or her seats. Bridesmaids in bright pink dresses emerged down a red aisle. The all looked like jokes all of this looked like a joke. I hated the decorations, the obnoxious people, the dresses; I even hated the Bride herself for god sake.  I look at my father standing there. He winks at me and grins wide. I look away in the other direction as Sam walks down the aisle.  I stay in my seat as everyone stands. The ceremony goes by quite fast. I think of my mom and how she’s probably at her home moping around as her husband marries another woman. I could probably mope enough for the both of us and more.
   I drag myself from my chair, not being able to bare the sight of all of this, and towards the champagne table. A brilliant idea hits me and I grin to myself. The champagne table is set up in a mass structure, dozens and dozens of tables lined up in rows.  Eventually Sam makes her way around the many people congratulating her to by the table.
  “How did you like the ceremony?” she smiles and tilts her head in that annoying way she does.
  “Not at all actually. Everyone else seemed to though, I don’t see why.” I scoff.
“I know you’ve never liked me and I could never replace your mother. The least you could do is be happy for your father. He was upset that you left so abruptly from your chair.” Sam sighs and tries to pat my shoulder. I dodge her hand swiftly as the sudden motion sends her tumbling into the champagne structure. Everyone around grasps and it’s suddenly dead silent. My dad emerges from the crowd to help her up and looks right up at me. His eyes are full of rage and they begin to tear up.
  “Did you push her Lana?” he swiftly stands them both up and Sam looks around disoriented.
  “Of course not! She tried to touch me and I pulled away.” I look at his eyes searching; he’s got to believe me. Even though the plan was to just spill a little champagne on her dress not the whole structure. Everyone suddenly looks at me accusingly, no one believes me. Even Grandma and Grandpa look at me funny. I turn away and run inside in tears. Everyone believes her of course! I’m not staying here, I decided. I grab the keys and head out the door. I know the one person who’ll believe me, she’s got to, I tell myself. I’m headed to mom.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my friend who's going through a similar situation.

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