It's Too Cold | Teen Ink

It's Too Cold

October 30, 2015
By MadisonSmith BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
MadisonSmith BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a steamy, blinding, bright day with a beautiful cloudless baby blue sky; a
warm breeze flew by making the bright green, healthy trees dance to the unique whispering song. The mid­summer air was making one particular girl sweat bullets in her bathing suit. Walking out of the changing area with her beautiful mother, they headed to the grassy area of the old Memorial Pool, before it got all of the renovations. Being the year 2008, people were much nicer than modern times, or so people thought. The sound of the young children, and some adults, splashing in the beautiful, clean and cold pool made everybody melt. She wanted to be in the nice cold water with her mom. Her name, was Madison Smith.
“Madison, come over to Mommy!”
“What do you need mom?” Madison asked getting very annoyed, wanting more than anything just to be in the shimmering pool.
“I need you to take Makenzie with you. You need to take her to the shallowest part of the pool.” Madison agreed to take her little sister, although she just wanted alone time.
“Let’s go you nerd!” They walked over to the edge of the pool, but Makenzie, being the nerd she was, got scared to go in.
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?“Let’s go Makenzie! Stop being an idiot! You’re making me mad!” Although Madison was mad, she was used to it because that’s what Makenzie strived to do everyday.
“Come on Maddy! Don’t make me get in the pool, I’m scared and it’s too cold!”
“It’s not cold! Even if it was, you wouldn’t know because you haven’t even put one of your chubby toes in here yet!”
“You got in and you look freezing!”
“Makenzie, I’m not cold, it feels amazing! The sun is keeping it at the perfect temperature! It’s not co­” Madison was then cut off by Makenzie jumping in and splashing water all over. And she wasn’t even supposed to be jumping in that shallow. Madison looked at Makenzie with furry, anger, and disbelief. Madison was ecstatic that Makenzie finally jumped in the pool but mad that she gave her no warning.
“What the hell! Next time give me a warning or else I will hurt you! Bad!” Makenzie just giggled and swam away.
Deciding she would be fine on her own, Madison decided just to go swim with her big sister, Morgan who was by herself. They were swimming in the ‘4ft’ deep water. They were just giggling and having a good time. Her cousin Michael was on lifeguard duty, along with her Aunt Kim who was also on lifeguard duty. Madison and Morgan were having an amazing day, especially when their beautiful mother joined in on the fun.
“Mommy!” They both yelled simultaneously.
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?“Hold on, I’m coming!” Their mom yelled with a nice smirk.Their mother was, and still is, the kindest, nicest, and most beautiful woman any of them had ever seen. She was so calm, relaxed understanding, funny, and so much more.
They played for a half an hour more, splashing, playing, and laughing. When their mom needed a short rest, they decided to just get out and have some of the lunch they ordered.
Joining them on their lunch, was Madison’s beautiful Aunt Kim. Her Aunt Kim was so beautiful. Caramel swirled Italian skin blended perfectly with her silky , smooth, chocolate hair Her beautiful eyes made the whole pool shine as bright as the yellow sun. Her smile was like an Angel came down from Heaven and showed everybody the word of God. Her grace and beauty was just stunning.
“Hey Dumb!” All the siblings yelled at once. She acquired the name ‘Dumb’ because that’s what the children's mother called her when they were little.
“Hello my little beauties!” Dumb said with her bright smile.
“Dumb, can we swim with you?” Makenzie asked excitedly. Madison was always the favorite child out of the three. Her personality made Dumb laugh all day.
“No, me and Mike have to work. I’ll be at your house for Friday Funday though, I promise!” Dumb exclaimed. Friday Funday was basically Madison, her sisters, her mom, and Dumb sitting in Madison’s living room listening to music on their 60 inch tv and having dance battles.
“Dumb can me and Morgan go in the deep end?” Madison asked, wanting more than anything to go over.
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?“Yes you can. Mike is down there on duty right now. Just tell him you’re going to swim.” Morgan and Madison giggled at the use of the word ‘duty’ as they walked over to the deep end.
“Hey Mikey! We’re going to swim, Dumb told us to tell you to watch us.” They said as they continued to jog over to the diving board, never even stopping to see what he had to say in return. Morgan decided that she wanted to go off on her own. Madison realized that she only uses her to get to the deep end, knowing that their mom wouldn’t let her go without Madison.
Madison was sad, she wanted somebody to swim with. As she was about to go back to her mom, a little girl stopped her. She was about the same height as Madison, but much different; she had dookie brown freckles with matching curled dookie brown hair to go with it. She was scrawny, like she hadn't eaten since World War II.
“Would you like to swim with me? My dad won’t get in, and I want a friend.” She said with a sad look upon her face. Madison felt bad for her because she looked so sad, so she agreed.
“My name is Taylor, what’s yours?” She asked. Madison told her and continued the small talk. Eventually, they got to know each other very well. They were swimming and having a good time, taking dares with one another.
“Madison, I dare you to swim with me down to the very bottom of the pool!” She said getting excited. Madison agreed. They both caught their breath and swam to the bottom.
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?On her way up, Madison suddenly felt a pair of cold legs wrapped tightly around her shoulders like a hungry python, squashing all the life out of it’s next meal. She tried to swim to the top, but the mysterious thing on her shoulders wouldn’t let her. She soon realized when a familiar pair of hands punched her on the head while holding her down, she was in fact, being drowned. With all her might she wiggled, squirmed, splashed, did everything that she could do to get Taylor off.
At the far end of the pool, Mike noticed that he couldn’t find Madison. He began to panic as he suddenly got the terrible, cold feeling that something was wrong. Morgan had gone over with her mom, but Madison wasn’t with her. He looked over to the deep end of the pool, only to see frantic splashing going on with a little girl seeming to be sitting half way out of the water.
He realized that the little girl was probably doing something very, very bad. He lunged out of his chair and swiftly made his way over to the girl. As he was about to ask what she was doing, he saw a little girl struggling to get out of the hold Taylor had her in.
He pulled Taylor off of the mysterious girl that was underwater; sadly, by the time that he managed to get Taylor off, the girl under her had already began to sink to the deepest depths of the cold pool.
Madison’s aunt had come over by this point and secured Taylor. Mike dove in the cold pool like a lonely dolphin trying to get back to his mother. He grabbed the girl but immediately knew that is was Madison. He swam faster and deeper than he ever had before and pulled her to the surface. As he dragged her lifeless cold body, Mike felt as
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if his whole world was coming to an end. Dumb broke down in tears and called Madison’s mom over.
“Kim! Get over here! Madison has just drowned!” She bawled aloud. Kim made her way as fast as she could, only to be met with her daughter’s unresponsive body.
“Madison! Get up! What the hell happened here?” She yelled. Mike was still trying to revive her, nothing seemed to be working.
“Why did you kill my baby?” Kim asked the psychopath.
“I didn’t like how she swam.” Taylor said slowly with the most evil grin any of them had ever seen. It was as if they were in a movie, and all that mattered was the darkness of Taylor’s eyes.
That day, July 26, 2008. was the day that a young girl died. As Kim said goodbye to her middle child, all the life from Madison’s body seemed to drain. The water on the sidewalk dried up, everybody was gone; the changing stations were silent, the wind was now still, except one red rough leaf began to dance in the air towards the now fading sun. The spirit of the beloved girl was moving through the biggest tree on the whole block. Swaying with motions of peace, grace, and sadness. As the girl rose higher, the sun grew dim, the stars seemed to awaken from their long slumber; the bright gray moon seemed to kiss the sun goodnight, as the whole town lay in bed, crying, praying, and grieving.

The author's comments:

This piece was an event that really happened to me when I was about 7. I never died though! Some of thelnguage I never used, I just wanted some flavor to the story.

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