Runaway | Teen Ink


October 5, 2015
By LindsCait BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
LindsCait BRONZE, Petal, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,


It's Lucy again. Today I decided I would run away. It's July 7th, I think, and feels like it's the hottest day in all of my ten years. My parents say I'm the luckiest kid in town, but I haven't been able to believe them in forever, and I am tired of getting told what to do all the time.  Im ten, so why don't they understand? But anyway, I've decided to take my little brother with me.  I have packed us both a bag. I made sure to hide it until Momma and Daddy left for work. If they found out my plan, I know for sure, I would have to go pick my own switch from the big oak in the back.  Sam would too for tagging along. But don't worry, Diary, I've planned the best plan there ever was.  Me and Sam will write Momma and Daddy a note to let them know of our plans, but we aren't going to tell them where we go; they'll just end up following us, and I really don't want that.  And, three hours before they get home, we will leave the house. I'm just gonna bring my diary and some clothes and I broke my old piggy bank, so I'll bring that money for candy bars and food and that should be enough.  That will last us until we make it to Gran's house. Gran is my grandmother, and my favorite person in the world. She makes me feel happy and always bakes cookies for Sam and me. She doesn't know we are coming, but she keeps secrets, so I'm not worried. It's almost time to go, Diary, so I will keep you close and write soon.


The author's comments:

It is a short story written in the view of a ten year old ready to escape her reality and set off with her younger brother to her grandmothers house where she feels safe and happy.  This piece just came to me and I was inspired to write it.

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