Until We Meet Again | Teen Ink

Until We Meet Again

September 18, 2015
By Anonymous

    Until We Meet Again
  Six years ago when i was eight years old i saw my grandparents for the last time.Time seemed to go slowly for the first year that went by. As the years went by i didn't pay much attention to their absence and it didn't bother me as much anymore.
It was the day of my first band concert in fourth grade and my excitement didn't let me get enough sleep. I would wake up every other hour thinking oh no i'm late! What time is it?
The night before, I thought it was going to be the best day ever. The last time I woke up again I saw my mom helping my grandparents pack clothes into four suitcases.  I thought I may have been dreaming so I rubbed my eyes my eyes and got up to ask my mom what was happening.
“H-Hey mom, what’s going on?”
“Nothing sweetheart, go back to sleep.” she replied with a shaky voice.
“But… what are grandma and grandpa doing with all their clothes and suitcases?”
Nothing came out except those two words. It took her a few seconds to come up with something to say.

“Nothing just go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to go to school.”
I remember hiding in the the shadows, just watching them pack and decide what to take. I was
too young to understand what was going on. An hour later, I heard my mom come into my room
so i pretended to be asleep. She woke me up and I did my daily routine which consisted of showering, getting dressed, doing my hair and eating breakfast then leaving. When I was halfway done with my bowl of cereal my grandparents came in with their things and set them by the door. They turned to look at me and at that moment I felt so vulnerable like I was being judged or I had let someone down.
“ Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Oh no reason.” she said looked at my grandpa and then at me then the wall behind me for a few seconds then she fixed her gaze on me again.
“You just look really beautiful, your eyes are are so full of life and happiness, happiness I always wanted to never let anyone take away from me.”
A few minutes passes and I didn’t understand, so I thought nothing of it. A few minutes passes and they headed towards the door and picked up their suitcases.
“Wait, where are you going?
“ Oh, we are just going to donate these clothes and then we will be back in time for your concert.”
Later that day, When I was at school all I could think about was how my concert was going to go and if my grandparents were going to come like they promised and if they would come to my award ceremony. The day passed and it was the time of the concert. Parents started to fill up the cafeteria I looked around and saw my mom in the front row and i Saw nothing of my grandparents. Oh they are running late they will be here later. I didn't think much of it anymore until the end of the concert and my mom came up to me.
“Where are they?” I asked her.
“It’s going to take them a while to come back.”
Three years passed and I was still waiting for them to come home. I found out later after a year pases that they wouldn’nt come home because they had to leave the country because they were having problems with the properties they owned in their home country.
Three more years passed and I remember less and less of their physical appearance and all I can remember is the sound of their voices because of the daily phone calls. Six years later and it was the day of my birthday my mom woke me up and said that she had an eventful day planned for me. Went out to eat and the to the zoo for a bit then we stopped at a park she said we had to wait there for a while in order to the next thing planned to happen.
“How long will we be here?”
“Not long, we are almost leaving. Look.”
As sh said those words I turned to look behind me and I saw my grandparents standing their with their arms open. I instantly felt my eyes water up and I was in shock.
“Oh my god. It’s you” I said as I  ran to them with tears falling down my face.

Works Cited
Last Name, First. “Name of Cited Article”. Name of Article’s Source. City of publication: Name of publisher, date of publication. Web/Print. Date of Access (if web).
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