The Secret of the Skeleton Tea Party | Teen Ink

The Secret of the Skeleton Tea Party

May 26, 2015
By poof...brah... BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
poof...brah... BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
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As we crossed the road to get to the river on the other side Jake dropped one of the air tanks that we had planned to use for our prank. Hurriedly he scooped it back up and continued to run to catch up to us. Once we hit the grass on the other side just before the river we grabbed one of the flashlights to examine the tank and make sure it is in good condition. Especially the seal. If the seal to the tank is messed up we might have to finish the prank sooner than we expected. Thankfully it was okay so I looked up at the full moon and let out a sigh of relief. By now it is about 12:30 and we need to get a move on it or we will not finish and be back in bed before morning.
With me there is Jake, Austin, Michael, Josh, Jason and Alex. This all started when last week we figured out a way to use the two fake skeletons that Jason got for his birthday. Why he got the skeletons? Who knows when it is Jake and Austin who gave them to him? They can be seriously random and weird but the rest of us just let it happen. But back to last week, we were all hanging out at my house and I just got my driver's license. All the other guys already had one because they like to go spearfishing and I was never interested until. That’s when Austin comes galloping down the stairs to Jason’s basement where we are all located. And wouldn’t guess what he was doing. He had one of the freaking skeleton between his leg acting like it was a horse. By now we don’t question things and just laugh at his stupidity and randomness. With that Michael had a light bulb go off. He doesn’t like to use his brain very often unless it is for something creatively stupid and comical. With that we all started planning how to get two skeletons in the river looking like they are having a tea party.
Jason’s parents are fortunately quite wealthy. Fortunate for us because he can convince them to get us things that most parents wouldn’t waste their money on so randomly. Which gave us the resources to get the tanks and it wasn’t so weird that they would question it. We were also able to “borrow” some of my sister’s toy tea pots and stuff and found a table to use.
Which brings me to why we are out in the middle of the night with air tanks and scuba gear. As we reach the river bank we all got set up to go in and find a spot to put the stuff and set it up. We have Alex staying on the bank to watch time and make sure that we are okay and doing fine. Everyone else has to carry something so that we can do this all in one.
The “prank” as we thought of it then, which doesn’t really make sense now because it doesn’t effect anyone, was soon forgotten because no one found the Skeletons. Two months later however I was sitting at the kitchen table when my mother mentioned that the news had an unusual article about some skeletons hidden at the bottom of the river set up to look like they were having a tea party. This had me immediately running up the stairs to my room to call everyone and let them know. Through multiple calls and connections from each other everyone knew and we all kept close tabs on the story. The police soon found that the skeletons were fake after having a dive team go in and recover them, too the police’s relief because they  feared it was a multiple homicide. All of this we found to be hilarious due to the fact that we knew and many would be wondering so we all kept it all secret. We knew this would be a good story to tell in the future but not now. Maybe later we can tell the story to others.

The author's comments:

This is my first piece. it was an english assignment

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