A day at the Beach | Teen Ink

A day at the Beach

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Sitting on the grainy and rough san, I could see the thick white foam the waves created when crashing down on the shore. Far into the distance I could see the orange of the setting sun reflecting on the steady waves of the ocean. On my left I jealously observed a couple sharing a coconut with two straws. Pass them was an old lady with grey hair glaring at shells at a kiosk. A seagull swashed past me distracting me from the old lady and switching my attention to the loud “cawing” it was making. I followed its flight and watched it land on a rock shaped like an upside down bowl. Next to the rock was a man unloading his net of fish from his fishing boat. I looked down to my feet where I had just felt a crab crawl onto them. The prickling of the claws ran chills up and down my spine. So I relocated him to a new warm patch of sand.

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