The Reunion | Teen Ink

The Reunion

April 30, 2015
By brendancrawford BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
brendancrawford BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They’d never met, nor seen each others face
Nor did one of them want to, for hatred filled his mind
They planned to meet at a restaurant, maybe have a meal
Possibly forgive him, if he could ever be that kind

He sat in a booth, anxiously waiting
Until a broad figure walked up to the table
Eyes cutting like knives, he continued to stare
Both men tried to keep their thoughts stable

Unable to speak, one man just nodded
The other man stood to his feet
Both men managed to crack a smile
For they were glad they could finally meet

The son embraced his newly met father
Who abandoned his child at birth
His father couldn’t contain his tears
When he understood how much a son is worth

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