the world through my eyes 2 | Teen Ink

the world through my eyes 2

May 1, 2015
By Anonymous

you know, they say whenyou see red you regret what you do afterwards... this wasnt the case.

"alex! my man!"oh this dude had -----, had a chesire grin on his face and an arm around my shoulder like we were pals. Even had the guts to take one ear bud out! oh you c***y, arrogant motherfu-

"dude where are you going? we have rehursals today." his voice rang in my ear. Pulling his arm off and bristling passed him i unconciously muttered a venomous "thanks" before walking back and tuning him out. wasnt like he noticed anyways, thats the kind of guy jason is, he can talk forever just to talk, no matter if its just him. at a certain point in time i found it entertaining, but right now, i cant stop thinking about punching this little- oh im here! losing him in the crowd of other cast members i find a vacant seat to relax.

"ok man whats up?" jimmy's voice cut in "you've been acting weird all day. whats wrong?" with a sigh i pull him out to the hall because knowing him, he will never drop it. telling him what i saw he assumed a face I've never seen on him, rage. I've never seen jimmy so furious. but before he went rambo on them i had to intervine.

"jimmy relax, i got this." i tell him and walk back out to the auditorium before pausing at what i see. alisha, standing where my bag is, looking for me most likely... well, lets get this over with. walking to my bags to put them in my locker i can feel her eyes on me as she follows.

"alex... please let me explain" she's pleading with me as i open my locker.  It feels like someones stabbing my heart with a white hot rod but i ignore it and act like she doesnt exist.


"dont," i mutter  just trying to walk away. then the worst possible thing happened. jason found us and-

"hey buddy!"- hello misplaced aggression! and without a second thought i made a swift right hook to his jaw, knocked him out and turned around to grab my stuff. ignoring alisha yelling at me to stop and checking on jason i walk out of rehursals and walk home letting the director know something came up. on the way home walking down the sidewalk i noticed something right away, felt like i was being watched and i wasnt alone...


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