life full of music | Teen Ink

life full of music

March 25, 2015
By brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
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When I was little a secret wish I had was to be famous and sing country songs for the rest of my life like Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash.  It all started when I almost two.  My twin siblings were born a couple months after I turn one.  Whenever we rode in our mini van or any other of our cars, Chloe my younger sister would always cry.  So my parents would play music, which helped set off my love for it.  As we got older my father started to play country music every time we were in the car.  My mother started to play the same station when she would cook, clean or just randomly play it around the house.  I remember many days waking up to it playing, and my love growing for those imaginary notes flowing around my house and heart.  As I got older my mother and father kept playing that station, over time I learned most of the songs and started singing them while they played.  Since that country station is the only one my parents played I thought it was the only genre of music. As I was growing older I became more and more in love and involved with music.  Around 4th grade I truly reliezd my love for music.  I also learned there was different genres from my friends.  About 5th grade I got introduced to a new genre. Rock and rock country became the only type of music I listened too.  I hated pop and rap music, they just weren’t my typed at the time but those two genres Rock and Rock country helped me through many bad things during the next two years after 5th grade. During these years of depressing music while I found new friends I found new music genres I like that I didn’t when I was younger.  As country was still evolving and becoming in this world today, I slowly learned every new artist and song still playing.  Till this day I am still hoping to sing like Willie or Johnny, but I know also know it will most likely never happen.  I’m still listening to the same country station every time I’m in a car or cleaning.

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