Something I Love | Teen Ink

Something I Love

March 24, 2015
By becca Schlosser SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
becca Schlosser SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love a lot of things like family and friends, but there is just one thing that I love more than anything else in the world and that would happen to be life.  I love just being able to do what can and sometimes when I want.  What I mean by sometimes is that life is a gift and if you don’t use it the right way and take advantage of it, life wouldn’t be as easy as you might think.  So far I have life just the way it is supposed to be and I wouldn’t want to change for the world.  I may not be the riches person or being able to have what I want when I want it but I do have a gift, that gift being life.  Too many people take advantage of life and take it for granted, but karma has its toll in life and evens out the odds.  My way of life as I think is like when the military will risk their lives for ours so we can have some of what we want in life and some of what we don’t like more wars, but I do appreciate what is given to me and do not take it for granted like some may.  I’m not saying that I’m the best or greater than anyone else, all I’m saying is that I’m and individual that is given a great gift like everyone else is.  I’m just an average person that has ups and downs and all around problems.  In my opinion I believe that everyone has trouble in life but some may think differently but who knows unless you try.  So all in all that I’m trying to say is that no one is perfect not even me so if you don’t like a certain person than just move on or forget about it, because everyone is different in his or her own special way.  So appreciate what you got or what you have and just be happy with whatever life throws your way.

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