Norman | Teen Ink


March 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Norman sits on the train as it comes winding around the bend. The pink-streaked sunset sky stretches infinitely across the Montana planes. Mountains reach up to kiss the clouds. Norman is awestruck. He'd forgotten how small and insignificant a man can feel at the base of a mountain. The simple wonders of this beautiful state are often overlooked, by him especially. Norman was befuddled. Had he really forgotten so much? Small details came flooding back to him. How had he forgotten the way the planes seem to go on forever, stretching wider than the ocean? How had he forgotten that the wind smells sweet like honeysuckle this time of year? Norman couldn't explain how happy he was to be home. He basks in the comforting feeling that washes over him. Heavy silence fills his bones, the hum of the city no longer vibrating through his spine. The stillness of the valley calms his spirit. Home will always feel like home. He'd been gone for so long, everything has changed but everything here is all still the same.

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