The Sleep Walking Boy | Teen Ink

The Sleep Walking Boy

February 19, 2015
By AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
AliciaAlcantara SILVER, Santo Domingo, Other
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Ha, ha, ha” everybody was laughing at Douglas, especially the bully in his class, Marck. He was a fat big and strong guy, he liked to make other kid feel bad and because he was the bully of his class. “Sleepwalk-boy! Everybody was saying. He looked around confused “What am I doing here?” He was at the principal’s office. The principal told him to go to his classroom and the teacher told the kids to go there, too. She was mad because she was telling everybody to sit down when Douglas was sleepwalking to the principal’s office and nobody paid attention to her and followed him. He was embarrassed after that. Everybody knew he sleepwalked but they never saw him walking. Douglas was a ten years old boy, lived in New York. He also was a weird kid, he wear weird clothes and had a weird hairstyle too. Almost every night he would stand at night, sleepwalking, and go to his living room and break something. In the morning his mom, mad, would yell at him. Unfortunately the bully of his class was his neighbor, and every day he would go to school and tell everybody in his class what he broke last night. Everybody laughed at him making his life miserable. But there was a girl in his class, she never laughed at him, she always felt sorry for him, her name was Sophia. She was the prettiest girl in his class, she was down to earth, she wasn’t arrogant, she was nice to everybody and Douglas kind of liked her. But she was just a dream for him. One day Douglas moms took him to the doctor to see if it there was a cure for his problem. Just some pills but they don’t always work and they didn’t work with him.

One night Douglas’ moms forgot to lock the door before going to sleep. At probably 3 am he stood up and walked outside. He began to walk slowly outside, nobody saw him because after all it was 3am. The first place he went was to the girl’s house. He loved her so much that he knew her address asleep. On his way he took some flowers and when she got there he gave it to her. Her parents were out of the city and they were coming at like 3 am so when she heard the ring she ran to see if they were there but it was Douglas. She opened the door, disappointed and surprised, Douglas gave her the flowers. The scene was very weird; imagine a girl in pajamas at her door at 3am, confused, staring at Douglas. While all that Douglas mom woke up felling that something was wrong. She went to Douglas room to check and he wasn’t there. He wasn´t there frantic she began to call everybody she knew to see if anybody knew about him, but nobody. Next stop for Douglas was the bridge. Not a very good place, because that bridge was under construction so it ended on the water and the ground had holes all over and it was very dangerous. When he got there the guard was sleeping so Douglas could pass there easy. When he noticed Douglas was close to the water, he was walking very slowly so it took him a while to get there. Now it was like 5 am and the sun was coming out. The guard called the kid but he didn´t wake up so he, desperate, called the police.

In that moment his mom, also desperate, went to her car and went to some random places looking for him. She called the police reporting a missing kid, but they didn’t have any report of a founded kid. In the bridge scene the police came to the bridge and even news reporters went, there and two of them got on the bridge to save him. The mom turned on the radio to see if there was news about a sleep walking kid on the street. After maybe 20 minutes the news began to talk about a boy on the bridge, she instantly knew it was him so she went there as fast as she could. When the mom got there and she tried to go where Douglas was one of the cops hold her. The guard closed his eyes, he didn’t want to see that kid die because of his fault, he should have been watching bridge. The cops were going there very slowly because the bridge had a lot of holes. It was actually more holes than bridge and nobody knew how Douglas could get there. He was walking slowly on the bridge when everybody notices he had a hole in front of him. He was in just a step to fall, but suddenly he stopped and turned half way around. Everybody felt relived for a second but he wasn´t done. He began to move forward to the handrail. When he got to there he sat on it looking at the water. He was going to jump! The mom tried to save him again but the cop hold her stronger. They just didn´t want two deaths in a morning. Everybody was quiet and looking at Douglas, except for the guard, he had his eyes closed. And just a before he jumped, he woke up! He was very confused, he looked at he mom. He tried to get down but Douglas overbalanced and like in slow motion he fell in to the water. Everybody was astonished. The only thing they were paying attention to was the scream from Douglas, or him. A second later the mom went running near the water and a ship full of mattresses was coming under the bridge and Douglas fell on one of them. Nobody notice it, it was a modern ship that didn’t make almost any sound, and nobody was paying attention to a small ship under a bridge in that moment. After this the ship stopped and Douglas went to ground. His mom kissed him like crazy. He was really confused scared and also shaking. His mom took him to their house at gave him some sleep with the door lock. In the morning the police did their entire job to know what happened and put that guard in jail or at least give him a fine for sleeping in job. After this his mom never forgot to lock the door again. At school nobody laugh at him again, they thought it wasn´t good to laugh at somebody for something that almost killed him. Days later the girl told Douglas what happened with her and the flower, he apologized. She said, “You don’t have to apologize for that, I think it was very nice of you”. Douglas was blushing. After all this things his problems cure and he lived all his life like a normal person. Some doctor did a study on him and they found out that his problem was that he had a delicate back and his bed was to uncomfortable, that gave him nightmare and a lot of times nightmare cause sleep walking. He wasn´t very normal after all, he was a living miracle and because of that he became a little famous, but besides that he was normal. When he grew up he went to college, married and had children. With that same girl he gave the flowers to...

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