Cautionary Tale | Teen Ink

Cautionary Tale

January 20, 2015
By Braino Bezares BRONZE, Bronx, North Dakota
Braino Bezares BRONZE, Bronx, North Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a breezy December 17th, 2000 in Atlanta, Georgia. Young 18 year-old Taylor King and his friend Christian Ortiz were driving home from a party. From Taylor’s rear view mirror he sees flashing lights and, then he starts to hear sirens.
“What the hell,” said Taylor with a confused tone in his voice.
“How fast you driving bro,” said Christian.
Taylor starts beginning to pull over. Taylor slows down and pulls over to the side of the road. The police car starts to slow down as well. The police officer and his partner step out of their car and make their way to Taylor’s car. As they get closer Taylor notices that one of the offices name, it read M. McCoy.
Taylor asks what’s the problem. McCoy answers by saying.
“Sir can you show me your license and registration please”. said Officer McCoy
McCoy looks at Taylor’s license and ask him and Christian to step out of his vehicle. Taylor and Christian step out of the car. As Taylor steps out he notices that the other officers name is J. Pieterson. When Taylor and Christian step out of the car, Officer McCoy searches them for anything illegal. While Officer Pietersen checked the car for anything illegal.
“Hey man what the hell you doing i don’t got no drugs on me or nothing man” says Christian in an annoyed and angered voice.
“Sir calm down please” says McCoy in a calm voice.
“Yo Christian shut up” said Taylor
After Officer Peterson finishes searching the car he finds nothing illegal. So he plants 3 kilogram of cocaine in the trunk. “Look at what we have here” said Peterson to McCoy. “Looks like we just found our self two guys getting ready to make themselves some easy money.” said Pietersen 
“Bullsh*t that ain’t ours you planted that yo” said Taylor.
Christian takes a swing at McCoy. Then Pietersen takes out his pistol and, shoots at Christian. Christian takes 5 rounds to the chest. Taylor runs to Christian and catches him before he falls.
“Yo Chris, come on man don’t die bro, dont die.” says Taylor.
“Lets go boy, where you going you gonna need a friend” says McCoy as he puts taylor in handcuffs and, drags him into the squad car.
When he gets there he notices that his sneakers have blood on them as well as his pants, t-shirt, and hands. as he sits in a cell.
6 Months later he sits in front of a judge as he is told he is sentenced to 25 years to life for possession of 3 kilos of cocaine. When he gets to his cell. He’s thrown in there by two correctional officers but, when he gets into his cell he notices a bald man sitting on the bottom part of the bunk bed.
“What’s your name young buck.” said the man on the bottom part of the bunk bed. 
“Taylor why you want to know.” said Taylor with a questionable tone of voice.
“Now you best be wise with that attitude boy, talking to people like that in here will leave you in a body bag faster than you can say sorry, now my name’s Big Ton. I’m here for gun charges, and possession of crack. Now what you in here for boy” as he said coming off of the bed, and out of the shadows.
“They plant 3 kilos of cocaine on me and then they killed my homie, and put my finger prints on the gun and, made it look like i did it.” said Taylor with a reluctant voice.
“Well guess what boy stuff happens to people, so get used to it, its called life and, you are now in a predominantly white jail so over here you better suck in all that my life is awful crap because if these racist aryan brotherhood guys find out you have a weakness they’ll use it to their advantage.”
A week past as they both still stood in silence, Taylor stood in front of the cell bars looking between the spaces of the bars, as Big Ton laid down on the bottom bunk and stared at the top part of the bed. As Taylor stood in front of the bars frustrated and bored, he heard the sound of footsteps. He saw a new person he has never seen before. He had short brown hair with many tattoos on his body, the man mean mugged him really hard, and then spat in his face. Taylor was furious he couldn’t do anything behind those bars.
“Watch when i get out these bars I’m going to beat the s*** out of you!” said Taylor furiously
“Ay! Shut the hell up boy! I’m trying to sleep over here!” said Big Ton in an angered voice, and tried to go to sleep.
“Yo he just spit in my face dog.” said Taylor
“Now if you mad at that I can’t wait till you see the other inmates just like him.” said Big Ton as he laughed.
As Taylor was sitting in the lunch room eating. The same guy that spit in his was planning something with some other people. The mans name was Arthur Smith, he is apart of the Aryan Brotherhood gang. Known for drug trade and, violence also has a short temper.
“I’m going there now watch this” said Arthur with a smirk on his face.
As he started standing up with his other members that sat with him at that table. He took his tray with him. He came behind Taylor and smacked him in the back of the head with the tray. When Taylor dropped to the floor they started to jump him. After the beating that Taylor took he woke up in the infirmary.
4 weeks later when Taylor felt better he was back in his cell, sitting on his bed, as one of the correctional officers said.
“Hey King you got a visitor, come on now they ain’t got all day now” said the correctional officer.
When Taylor got there he saw his mom, and his girlfriend. When his mom saw him and immediately a tear fell from her eye.
“Hey baby how you doing?” she said with a sad tone in her voice.
“I’m alright ma,” Taylor replied with a tear falling from his face of anger.
“Don’t worry baby before you know it you’ll be out in no time, you just got a keep. your head up no matter what and, just believe that the man up stairs while have your back no matter what just believe, hear talk to Jennifer.” said Taylors mom.
“How you doing babe” said Jennifer with a cracked voice.
“I’m alright babe just do a me favor and take care of my mom a’ight” said Taylor.
“Taylor I got some good news, I'm pregnant it’s gonna be boy.” said Jennifer with happiness.
“Really? Damn babe i can’t believe it that’s so great.” said Taylor with excitement on his face.
7 years later Taylor wants to go home so much so he could see his son. Taylor is now 28 years old. His cell mate Big Ton looks nervous because he hasn’t seen the outside world in years. With concern on his face and, he balls his right hand into a fist.
“I haven’t seen my family in years, my wife hasn’t visited me in years with my kids either, my kids are all grown up, and I wasn’t there for them because I was too damn dumb to realize what was in front of me, a good wife, 3 kids.” said Big Ton with anger.
Taylor looked at him with concern on his face, and thought why would Big Ton open up to him like this. But he stood there listening to him.
“But look at me talking to you like you give a damn.” said Big Ton
“Hey Tony lets go you’re set free, come on you should be happy.” said one of the correctional officers.
“Hey Young Buck.” said Big Ton.
“Yeah.” said Taylor with concern on his face.
“Good luck” said Big Ton
During that day at lunch he saw Arthur and just lost it he became filled with anger, and ran up to Arthur and immediately punched him square in the jaw. Then the guys that were with Arthur took Taylor off of Arthur held him up and let Arthur jump Taylor as payback by the time the C.O’s got there Taylor had a broken jaw. They took Taylor to the infirmary. But they still took Taylor to the hole and made him stay there for 6 weeks.
5 weeks later Taylor is sent a letter from his girlfriend stating that his mom died from a heart attack. Taylor was filled with anger and sadness, as he kept reading it said that he might not be able to go to the funeral. Tears ran down Taylors face with anger he flipped his bed over in anger. He banged his head on the wall and repeatedly punched the wall.
“No!” said Taylor in anger and in tears.
Taylor’s whole attitude changed completely. He didn’t care about anything else
but the fact that his mom died he wouldn’t take anything from nobody. At this point in his life all he wanted was to see his mom one last time. He dreamed of all the good times they spent together. He would reminisce in his cell about him and, his mom.
So one day in the showers Taylor payed off one of the guards to leave the showers. He was getting ready to kill Arthur, he was working on a shank he was working on in his cell for a couple days. He finally got it sharp enough. So when the the guards left he came up behind Arthur and stuck the shank in his throat. He then took the shank out and stabbed him more than 11 times in the chest. All he saw in Arthur's eyes were the two cops who arrested him and killed his best friend Christian. After he was done, he called the two cops in and helped him with the body.
It was finally Taylor’s time his sentence was up. Taylor haven’t seen the outside world in 20 years, he was so grateful that he was out but, Taylor was only let out on parole and he could finally go home. He was finally home he opened the door and noticed no one was home. He laid down and slept on the couch. He woke up to the sound of the door opening and saw his wife and behind her was his 25 year old son. He saw his son and immediately gave him and his wife a hug.
                    THE END

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