Dancing on My Own Two Feet...Hopefully | Teen Ink

Dancing on My Own Two Feet...Hopefully

January 9, 2015
By KatieW17 BRONZE, Port Murray, New Jersey
KatieW17 BRONZE, Port Murray, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since Bethany was young she had wanted to be a professional dancer.  The only thing was, she didn’t know the first thing about dancing. 

She had tried everything to make an attempt to dance, but nothing seemed to work for her.  She figured she was going to have to move on with her life.  Besides she loved her job, she was a social media creator at 22, which paid handsomely.  It was a dream come true, just not the one she really wanted. 

Bethany was invited to her coworker’s Christmas party and she wasn’t going to miss that for the world.  She wasn’t going to know most of the people there, but she was a social butterfly.  She dressed up in a red dress and some black two-inch heels, because she liked looking taller than she was. 

When Bethany arrived, she was welcomed with open arms by people she didn’t even know.  One pretty attractive man who looked about her age sauntered over to her in an attempt to impress her. 

“Hello, I couldn’t help but notice you staring at me from over there.  I wanted to introduce myself, I’m Derek Johnson.” The man said as he held out his hand. 
“Hi I’m Bethany Williams.  Correct me if I am wrong but you were the one staring at me.” Bethany relied. 
“Well today is a tragic day because not many people catch that. “ Derek laughed which cued Bethany to giggle as well. 
The man seemed to have a great personality from what Bethany had seen already.  He was funny and he was undeniably attractive.
“So what do you do?  I am a choreographer for one of the most prestigious dance schools in the country.  Not to toot my own horn.” Derek stated.
“I am a social media creator. But I have always had the dream of becoming a professional dancer. I only mentioned it because you dance, I don’t go flaunting that information much, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Bethany sighed.
“No, I wasn’t thinking that at all.  If you don’t mind I could get you an audition for the school I work for.” Derek suggested.
“I love dancing, but I don’t think I should take advantage of your kindness.  I appreciate it but no thanks,” Bethany said with uncertainty. 

“Don’t be ridiculous, if it dancing is your dream, dancing is what you will do.  If you’ll excuse me I am going to call the dean of the university, to get you an audition, she owes me a favor anyway.  I will be back.”  Derek said matter-of-factly.  He walked out the door with his phone already pressed to his ear.  

Bethany walked over to the table with an assortment of Christmas related foods and picked up a snowflake cookie.  Just as she was about put it in her mouth, she was tapped on the shoulder. 
Derek was behind her with the biggest smile on his face.  “I must be some kind of Christmas angel.  I have the date for your audition! It is next Saturday at one o’clock.  I am so excited for you!” Derek spoke in one breath.  Bethany had to fake happiness because she knows how happy Derek was, and didn’t want to ruin it. 
“Thank you so much.  I am so excited!” Bethany said as she hugged Derek. 

“No problem.  I should give you my number so we can keep in contact.  I have other things to tell you, but I have to get going soon.”   Derek handed Bethany his phone, and she put her number in it. 
“It was very nice meeting you, and I am sure I will see you soon, but I have to be going.”  Derek leant over and kissed Bethany’s cheek and walked away. 
What am I going to do? Bethany thought.  I am screwed. 
The next day, Bethany was consumed in thought over what she was going to do about her audition.  She knew she had to do something, but what could she possibly do with a week before the audition. 
Then she remembered that Derek said he was a choreographer, so he obviously knew how to dance.  He was not going to be happy when he finds out that she needs his help learning to dance, for a professional dance audition, that he set up for her.  He was her only hope. 

So Bethany grabbed her phone and dialed Derek’s number.  It rang for a while before he picked up. 
“Hey Bethany!  What’s up?” Derek greeted happily. 

“Hi Derek I need you help, it’s about the audition.” Bethany sighed.
“Okay.  It can’t be that bad.  Do you want to meet at the coffee shop on Main Street in an hour so we can talk?” He said enthusiastically. 
“Yeah that would be great!”
“Okay see you later!” Derek hung up after the thought. 
When Bethany got to the coffee shop she was shaking in her skin.  She had only known Derek for less than twenty-four hours, didn’t know what to expect.  Derek walked in with a huge smile across his face.  He spotted Bethany and sat across from her. 
“Hi, how are you?”  Derek said. 

“Great.  But I have to say this, I am very grateful that you got me an audition, but you have to know I have never danced in my life.  I have no dancing experience, and I am no good at it.  Everyone who has tried to teach me has failed because I am an awful dancer.  I am so sorry, I can’t follow through with the audition unless you teach me to dance well enough to get into this school.”  Bethany rushed out in hopes to get it over sooner. 
“What?! You don’t know how to dance at all? How does that make sense? You said you loved to dance?” Derek seethed. 

“I love to, but apparently I am no good at it.  I am so sorry, Derek.  I tried to tell you without hurting your feelings yesterday, but I guess I am not good at a lot of things.” Bethany tried to explain. 
“You’re kidding me. If you don’t go to the audition, I will lose my job; I only got you the audition because I had to bribe the casting director, because she hates me.  I thought if I got you the audition, I would have a chance with you, so I guess we are both knee-deep in stupidity.  I will teach you to dance, but you have to put 100% into it.” Derek said. 
“Deal.” Bethany agreed. 

“Okay. The dance studio the next block over is mine, and you are lucky I cleared this week for Christmas.  Be there by six a.m.” Derek said to Bethany and got up out of his seat. 
“Thank you Derek.”
Bethany showed up at Derek’s studio before six because she wanted to get to work as soon as possible.  Derek was up though, he was dancing around the floor with so much elegance, and she couldn’t believe it was the same man.   Bethany walked through the door and just marveled at the dancing that was taking place, and thought she might be that good at it someday. 

“Hi.  I thought of something, I could dance with you.”
“Is that allowed? I mean, it is a great idea but they will definitely know I am not a dancer.” Bethany questioned.
“It is allowed but as long as the person auditioning, does the majority of the dancing.  But I believe it is possible, with non-stop practice.” Derek replied. 

“Okay well what did you have in mind? A song? Type of dance?” Bethany wanted to know what she was expected to do for her audition. 
“Well I was doing some research and found a music video where the woman was leading the man.  It was the Ed Sheeran video for ‘Thinking Out Loud’ and it is a rumba, which is a romantic dance but also has a high level of skill required for the woman. I think you can master it.”  Derek explained while walking around brainstorming the routine. 
“Okay no problem.  Let’s get started then. “  Bethany shrugged off the sweater she was wearing to begin rehearsals. 

Halfway through the week, Bethany knew most of the routine and was doing a pretty good job of leading Derek around the floor without it looking like it was planned that way.  
“The last part you need to know it the ending.  It involves us moving on the floor for the last five seconds. But you have one weakness that you have to improve upon.  You have no emotionless face while we are dancing, and that is important.  This is a romantic song, so at least look like you love me.” Derek explained while looking at her in adoration. 
“So otherwise I am doing well, right?” Bethany asked.  It shouldn’t be difficult to act like a love him.  I mean I don’t love him, but who can deny that he is incredibly handsome and he is doing this for me for nothing.  There is a little bit of fondness there.
Derek waving his hand in front of her face brought Bethany out of her little daydream.  “Are you okay? You seem a little dazed.”
“No I’m fine, but you didn’t answer my question.”
“Yes, if I didn’t know I would have thought you were a professional.” Derek said sincerely. 
“Great. So we can move on and teach me the last part of the routine. “ Bethany suggested. 
Bethany and Derek progressed beautifully, until it was the day of her audition.  She was excited, but also scared out of her skin.

Derek saw Bethany pacing back and forth, so her went up to her and grabbed her by the shoulder and said, “ Listen to me.  You have worked your ass of to get here.  You deserve to have this chance as much as anyone, if not more. You will crush it.  Now remember, you have to lead me a little.  Don’t worry you will be fine.  And if you get in maybe we can do this dancing thing again.” Derek encouraged while being a little suggestive.

“Bethany Williams.  Audition number five.  Please make your way to the middle of the ballroom floor.”  A voice boomed from the speakers. 

“That’s us.” Derek extended his hand to Bethany to pull her out to the floor. 

“Bethany, please state what dance style you will be preforming, and who is accompanying you while you preform.”  The woman at a desk stated.  She didn’t look happy, and Bethany automatically knew this was the casting director that hated Derek.  Bethany figured, that this woman would hate her by association. 

“I will be preforming the Rumba, and accompanying me is Derek Johnson, one of the choreographers here.”  Bethany gained a sense of confidence as she spoke. 

“You may begin.”

The music began to play as Bethany and Derek moved around the floor.  Every so often Bethany glanced at the casting director and could not read her facial expression. 

At the end of the end of their dance, Bethany bowed, as did Derek.  They stood there waiting for the woman’s reaction, moments passed before the casting director stood up and started clapping. 

“That was the most beautiful dance I have ever seen in the all the time I have been a director.  You have been accepted.  Thank you for that performance.”

“Oh my God!!  Derek we did it!” Bethany screamed as she hugged Derek as hard as she could. 

“I just want you to know that doesn’t happen often.  Or at all for that matter.” Derek huffed out of breath from dancing. 

The casting director came up behind Bethany and pulled her away from Derek.  “While you were dancing I was enraptured and couldn’t look away.  I was very hesitant about you dancing with Derek, because although he is a magnificent dancer, he is very arrogant.  I dint see that person when he is with you.  While you were dancing, you really look like you loved him.  Don’t let him get away.”
“Thank you for your choice.” Bethany said. 

Derek walked over and gave her a hug.  “I think we should go out for a celebratory dinner.  I am really proud of you.” Derek ended the sentence with a kiss on her cheek. The casting director looked over at her and gave her thumbs up.  Bethany was content with her life before, nut now she was living the life she always wanted. 

The author's comments:

Bethany lands a dancing audition, with no prior dancing experience.  

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