The Summer | Teen Ink

The Summer

January 5, 2015
By Anonymous

Once in the beautiful land of Ireland stood a slightly tall young lady named Kayla. One day after she got home from school she was told that she needed to pack. She was told she was going to stay in the United States with her grandparents. So when she packed she walked down stairs to greet and depart from her wonderful life in Ireland and move to the unknown land of Iowa. When she boarded the plane she was greeted by a flight attendant who helped her to her seat and on her way she went. When she arrived she stood in the middle of the airport looking for her grandparents. When she got found them she ran up and gave them a large hug and walked out to the truck.
When she got there she ran into the house to look for her old bedroom. When she walked into the room she noticed the room was a different color. The bed went from a twin to a king the dresser was now a chestnut hutch that was full of normal everyday clothes, clothes different from what she wore in Ireland. She turned and asked.
“What has happened since I was last here?” She asked.
“We did some rearranging and replacing of this ye’ old room.” her grandpa said happily.
“ Make sure you pack for this weekend, were going to the lake!” her grandma cheered. Yes she thought. When she was younger she used to got to the lake and hang out with her friends. She had a best friend from the lake that she never spent time with out, her friend Brandy.
That friday after her grandparents got home from work they left Des Moines, Iowa and 2 hours later she arrived in Lake Marie in Mercer, Missouri. When they arrived the placed looked dead. She noticed that there was a hole in the back of the house.
“What’s going on back here” she asked.
“ The back wall of the house had too much pressure pushing on it so we had to fix it, im doing it all myself with help from my friend Eric and his son David.” My grandpa said cheerfully.
“ Oh cool!” she cheered in her thick  irish accent.
That night when the sun dropped into the horizon making the sky glow pink and orange her grandfather started the fire and called over Eric and David. When they had got there they had 2 extra guests. Eric's daughter Amber and David’s friend Bryce. Bryce had a thing for Kayla they had hung out together before but never truly talked to each other one on one mainly because if Kayla and Bryce were even caught together by either of their parents they would never be able to talk ever again.  When they got to the fire Bryce stood next to Kayla and they talked for a while.
Soon after they  started talking Bryce asked for a drink of some sort. Kayla took him up to the house to get a bottle of water. While they were fastly walking up the stairs Bryce had tripped up the stairs hurting his ankle. Kayla turned and noticed his body sat there in pain. She ran into the house to make a ice pack. While she was inside Bryce moved from the stairs to one of the chairs that was on top of the porch. When she walked out the door she noticed that he sat there in the chair wincing. She walked over to the chair and sat the ice pack on his ankle.
After a while while the ice soothed his ankle they went back to the bonfire. When they got back they noticed that David, Eric, Brandy and, Amber were gone. So Kayla asked Bryce if he wanted her to take him home. He said yes so they got on the golf cart and Kayla drove him to his house and  when they got the the house Kayla stood up and walked around the golf cart and helped him into the house. She helped him into his room. When she got back out the the golf cart and halfway around the lake she started to get sleepy, so she speed up trying to wake herself up but she couldn't if she didn't pull over now she might fall asleep while driving. So she pulled over and laid down and slept.
The next morning she woke with the sunlight beaming on her face. She sat up and drove the rest of the way home. When she got home she was tackled with questions from her grandparents.
“Where were you?” her grandma slammed her with questions.
“Last night Bryce fell and hurt his ankle and so I took him home and it was late, and I was tired so I pulled over on the side of the road because I was falling asleep and I didn’t want to crash.” she cried.
“Well I’m glad you're okay, you did the right thing by pulling over, but you didn't tell me you were going to Bryce's.” her grandma said. Kayla walked upstairs to see what her grandpa was making. he was making eggs, hashbrowns, and toast. Kayla walked over to the cupboard with the plates and made herself a plate. She sat at the table and began eating. Then when she she finished she got back on the golf cart and drove to David’s.
When she got there she noticed that no one was there she went into the house and it looked disfigured. She noticed that the couch was turned over and the recliners were knocked over and the doors were wide open. Even their dog Cujo was gone. Kayla thought maybe they went out on the boat. Wait why was the furniture knocked over? She went down the marina to check to see if their boat was gone, it was. Kayla texted David to ask. He told her that yes they were out in the boat.
Kayla went back to her house and started to pack. It was sunday and they have to go back to Des Moines for the week and come back down next weekend. When Kayla finished packing she loaded her bag into the truck and got in and they drove off to Des Moines they went. Before they left Mercer they stopped to get gas. Kayla went inside the store and got some ice cream she payed and walked out of the store. Then she walked out to the truck and got in and off they went. 

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