5 Athletic Giants | Teen Ink

5 Athletic Giants

December 19, 2014
By Vasili SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Vasili SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who can play with me.  I am the only one who understands why they play. Five athletic giants, with long lanky legs, and long necks, and huge hands like me. Five who grew up in the projects. Five are thought not to be here but are here. Five embarrassing people created from the city. From my room, I can hear them, but they continue to practice and play, every single day.

Their skills are noticed. They send the drywall from the ceiling. They dribble left and they dribble right and aim at the hoop and pump up the fans. This is how they play.

Let one forget the reason he plays, the others would be let down, each waiting for the fifth to show. Where, where, where, has our fifth gone, they wonder. I step in.

When I am called over, to start for the first time, when its my time to shine, then I point and look up praying to thee. There are no worries, and the most expensive thing is on my feet. Five who grew despite the city. Five who hoop, and dont forget to hoop. Five whose only reason is to ball.

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