Faith | Teen Ink


November 14, 2014
By A.Kitchen BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
A.Kitchen BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a high school student named Axl. He was an eighteen year-old boy who lived with his parents. He is 5’9 feet tall, he has caramel skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Axl didn’t have a lot of friends, but he did care about the ones he did have. He loved helping others in anyway he could. One story that Axl remembered from his past was when he helped his friends with a bully problem. It all started on March 15,th 2008. He saw his mother and said, “Good morning, mother. Did you sleep well?”

She replied, “I slept good, you better hurry up and eat breakfast before you are late for school. Have you finished your English class work? You know it’s due today.”

Axl responded, “Yes, mom, I worked on it over the weekend.”

“That's good,” said Axl's mother. Then Axl grabbed his backpack on his way to school. Once he got dropped off by his mother, he walked up to the school and went to class. After class, he saw his three friends: Alex, Perla, and Carly. Perla and Axl grew up with each other when they younger. Alex was a old friend of Axl’s, but they haven’t seen each other for the last two years. Carly was honest and innocent to her friends.

After meeting up, they went to the library to study for their upcoming test. As they were talking, the subject of Jack came up, the boy who was bullying them. He was jealous of Axl's friends because they had new laptops. Alex then started to talk about his new computer. Jack got up from his table, walked up to Alex and said, “Why do you keep talking about your new laptop? Would you stop talking about your laptop. It’s getting on my nerves.”

He replied, “What is wrong with you? I'm just telling people what my laptop has. That's all.”

Jack replied, “Big deal, you can't tell everybody about your new laptop.” He went back over to his table. Axl and his friends wondered what that was all about. They then discussed Jack’s problem.

Perla said, “You don't think Jack is jealous our new laptop, do you guys?”

Alex replied, “You're probably right about that, he kinda made me mad for what he said to me, but I'll get over it.”

Jack overheard Axl and his friends mention his name.

Jack said, “I wonder if they are talking about me? I heard my name.” He got up and confronted them. “Why are you talking about me?”
Alex replied, “Because you are being rude to us and we did nothing to you. I don't want to fight you, Jack!”

Jack replied, “Oh yeah! I don't want to fight you either!” Jack started to punch Alex in the face and he fell over from his chair. He then grabbed him from his shirt and lifted him up. Alex kicked his leg and he got free from Jack's grasp. Next, he punched his stomach as hard as he could. Jack barely dodged his attack through and got hurt. He started to get serious now Jack punched Alex really hard in the face, almost giving Alex a black eye.

After the fight Axl appeared and grabbed Jack than tell him, “That's enough Jack I don't want you to hurt my friends anymore! Are you alright Alex?” said Axl.

Alex replied, “Yes, I'm hurt just a little bit, but I'll be okay Axl.”

Two security guards approached them. One of them said, “What is going on around here?”

Axl explained to the security guards to tell them what was going on. “Jack is hurting my friend, he did nothing to him. He was only telling people what he has on his new laptop. That’s all that happened.”

The other security guard said, “Oh, that’s what is going on?”

Axl replied, “Yes.” The security guards  handcuffed Jack and Axl wanted to tell him something before was taken away. He said, “People are scared of you because after what happened to my friend. It seems like you don’t have any friends. You’re hurting people for nothing, you are actually hurting yourself. My advice is to think about what you have done and be nice to people.” Jack then left the building with the security. “I hope he will change his attitude.”

Carly walked up to Axl and said, “Axl,  I have never seen you stand up to that bully before.”

Axl said, “Oh.”

Carly replied, “Axl, there is something I want to tell to you.”

Axl replied, “What is it?”

Carly told Axl, “I have a crush on you.” Axl was shocked when Carly told him this.

Axl replied, “What?”
Carly explained to Axl why she had a crush on him. She said, “You are not mean to others, you are really nice and you care about people.”

Axl replied, “Oh, I didn’t know you have a crush on me.”

Carly replied, “I was wondering, would you be my boyfriend?” Axl didn’t say anything for like a minute. He didn’t know what to say.

Axl said, “I would love to.” Carly felt happy after Axl said that. Alex and Perla walked up to their friends and told them, “Congrats.”

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