Turning Your Back On Me | Teen Ink

Turning Your Back On Me

November 18, 2014
By Gek20 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Gek20 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Writers block is when your imaginary friends stop talking to you.

There I am standing red faced in the cafeteria. Hundreds of faces were laughing at me. My stomach lurched forward and I literally felt like I was about to get sick. About five seconds ago Jackie Welsh had “accidentally” bumped into me with a plate full of mystery meat and mashed potatoes. My hair was soaked with milk and I looked even worse, Lena stood next to me red faced and starting to back away slowly. “What are you gonna do now Elita? ”Jackie shouted and laughed with her friends. By then I had turned around and ran as fast as I possibly could to the bathroom. I tried very hard to get the nasty stains out, but it didn’t work. I brushed my dirty hair out and scrubbed my hands clean. I decided to walk to the nurse and say that I got sick because I did not want to walk around looking like this. and let me tell you something I did not look the greatest! “Hello Elita, you have a little something all over!” Jackie pointed to my clothes and laughed. I quickly turned around and walked into the health room.
“I got sick at lunch.” I lied to the lady at the desk doing paperwork. She stared at me and got up quickly. “ Why don’t you get cleaned up in the bathroom while I finish up here” she said and continued to file papers. I washed my face and wiped off my shirt a little. “Let’s call your mom.” she said while dialing the numbers. In a couple minutes, my mom arrived in the office and talked to the nurse for a while before greeting me.
“Honey, are you okay?” she asked and hugged me. I nodded at her and followed her to the car as the wind blew my dirty hair into my face. Once we got home, I trudged up the stairs and turned on the shower. I felt the milk flow down my back as I vigorously scrubbed my hair. When I was all clean I decided to hop in my bed and take a quick nap. I woke up the next morning, the twisted towel still in my hair. I pushed my homework in my backpack and threw open my closet to find an outfit.
“Bye Mom!” I shouted as I plunged out the door. “Please don’t embarrass me today Jackie!” I shouted to no one. I shoved my backpack into my locker and grabbed all the junk I would need for the day. I stopped and looked at who was coming my way, Jackie!
“Hey Elita, see you at lunch!” She shouted as she shoved me hard into the wall. I gasped and all of my stuff flew through the halls. Everybody was laughing and pointing at me. I knew tears were flowing down my face, but after that everything went black. When I woke up I was in my bed.
“ What happened?” I asked quietly. “ You took a spill, and you got a concussion.” mom responded while rubbing my forehead. I went under the covers and cried softly.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing.” I whispered. It now has been a couple days since I fell and my head only hurts a little.
“ Honey, I think it’s time that you go back to school.” mom said and pulled the covers off my head.
“ No, I have a terrible migraine.” I lied and pulled the covers over me.
“ Okay just a couple more days.” she whispered and left my room. It now has been a week since I fell and my head didn’t hurt at all. Guilt rushed through my body and I just dug deeper into the covers. I sighed and threw the covers back. I hopped out of my bed and shoved my school stuff into my backpack and ran out the door, quickly saying bye to my mom. I skipped down the sidewalk all the way to school, I felt good today. I was most certainly not going to let Jackie push me around anymore. I grabbed the stuff out of my perfectly organized locker that I would need for the long day ahead of me. I turned around to see Jackie staring me in the eye. I really wanted to walk away, but I forced myself to stare back at her. I could tell she was shocked by her wide eyes and red face.
“ Jackie you have dumped a tray of food on me, and physically hurt me. I will not let you push me around anymore!” I screamed into her face. I was waiting for some sort of reaction, but nothing happened, she didn’t slap me or swear at me, she just stood there. She just stood there like a statue. At that exact moment Lena walked over and stood directly across from Jackie and made the face, she always did when she was mad.
“ Jackie, what you did to Elita was wrong! I don’t want to be your pet anymore!” Lena shouted and wrapped her arms around me to give me a squeeze.
“ I don’t need you!” Jackie shouted and marched off with the rest of her annoying group. Lena and I walked out of the school, arm in arm and skipped back to my house.
“ I am the worst friend in the history of friends!” Lena shouted.
“I forgive you.” I whispered and squeezed her hand. Sure, I was not perfect and definitely not popular, but I Elita Carpenter have a good life!

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