The Move | Teen Ink

The Move

November 18, 2014
By alex_706 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alex_706 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a quiet Saturday morning everybody was relaxed and happy and I was curious why until I realized my dad had got the job he was applying for, my heart sunk, we had to move up to Michigan. I was stunned and I just sat there for hours thinking to myself that I would never see my friends again. I was stunned, shocked I didn’t know what to do or think.

My heart was racing I felt like I was going to pass out… and I did. When I woke up I just laid there and thought about was happening. I couldn’t believe it but deep down I could believe it. I didn’t talk much for the rest of the day. I kept thinking it couldn’t get worse, but it did…

When my brother heard the news he absolutely freaked out he kept saying we were moving to the middle of nowhere, Michigan. I think he was worse than me because his complaining went on for almost a year. By the end of the school year I felt worse for my mom than anyone else because she had to deal with him.

Well, it was moving day and after putting our lives in boxes we had to drive up to Michigan so I said goodbye to everything I knew and let out a brief sigh and we started driving with the animals in the car… fun. The whole car ride was full of meows and whimpers. On our way up we passed by Chicago and I saw a sight that familiar to me, The sears tower it was almost like I had lived there my whole life.

After about six hours of driving we finally got to our temporary apartment. The apartment was very nice and it had a golf course and it was very open. Well about half of my summer went by until we moved to our new house, it was a giant house and some of us thought it was too big.

We had picked the worst move-in day possible in the first about 30 minutes it started pouring so we had to wait forever for the rain to pass, but when it did, we started unloading boxes again one by one box by box we got done in one day so we turned an empty house into a house full of boxes.

The next process took about a week and it was taking all of our stuff out of the boxes which was a week of backbreaking terror. Well, almost all of my summer is gone and I only have a month to make it count. This summer was a bust it was just learning about the area, but I am very happy here and I’m excited for the road ahead.

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