Chance or Choice? | Teen Ink

Chance or Choice?

November 18, 2014
By fmg20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
fmg20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
New day new chance,
run and grab it before it's gone

Mic and I were “waiting” for Katrina. He has started passing, worried that Katrina wouldn't change her mind. I sighed before I spoke.
          “She’s not coming, you read the note she left me.” I paused, just to see how he reacted and handled that, before I continued.
          “She called you your real name, Mike, and not your nickname.” I see a tear rolling on his cheek.
          “Mic.” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear, all he did was wipe the water away from his cheek putting his head down. I let him stay like that for a while, then I grabbed his chin and lifted his head.
          “That's in the past, she’s moving on.” Releasing I was looking in the eyes of the broken. Full, full of worry, full of fear, and full of pain. He just put his head back down, then slowly lifted it. Starting to speak.
“Sky, I think it’s funny that someone who never had a family, someone who was never loved could give advice on love.” I smiled, the words he said stabbed me through the heart and mind. And just stated.
          “I think that’s why I give good advice on pain.” he smiled as I said this, which grow to his contagious laugh, soon I started laughin, we started holding our stomachs. The laughes faded after time.Then we walked into the forest outside of our old home. We both stopped and looked back at the edge of the forest.
          “Take a long look it’s the last time you’ll see this place.” I said to him.
          “Goodbye, ‘Miss. Bell’s Home for Orphans’” He implied to me. We looked at each other, turned around and walked into the heart of freedom.
          Freedom was beautiful. The moon shining through the branches. We were taking it in. Then he stopped, and screamed to me.
          “Run!” I didn't move, out of confusion,though he ran, looked back ran to me and grabbed my wrist and ran again pulling me along. We jumped, dunked, and zigzagged. Then he stopped. We both were panting, I bent to my knees and after I caught my breath asked.
          “What in the world was that!” I was just under a yell. He looked at me and gasped.
“I heard something, it might have been Miss. Bell.”
          “Good thing you heard her.” I panted. Looking up at him. He had a branch in his newly-cut spiky black hair. I pointed and told him.
          “You've got a twig in your hair.” he ran his fingers though and got the twig. He looked at me and opened his mouth as if to say something, but laughter came out instead. Concerned I asked.
          “Mic, what is it!” through his laughs I heard muffled.
          “Your hair looks like, like a forest.” I gasped then yelled.
          “Well get them out!”  with this he put up both hands up in surrender, and started taking the twigs and leaves out of my silver-ish hair. Then out of nowhere there was a thought roaming my mind.
          “Know what?” I smirked as I asked this. Not waiting for him to answer, answered my own question
          “We’re free.” I think he smiled at this too. Then he responded, leaning over my shoulder so he could talk in my ear.
          “When are you ever wrong Sky?” I shrugged him off my shoulder and said.
          “Never.” we laughed softly. Freedom, something Mic and I have been waiting for years to get. And it was finally ours.
          As I watched the twilight moon faded into dawn, as we walked deeper into the forest we hadn't said much after he got the twigs out of my hair. I was following Mic and I looked away from my feet and saw he was wearing backpack. I didn't ask him, he had a family before the orphanage, I presumed it had memories in it. Things like pictures, photo albums, old birthday cards, and presents. He stopped and looked at his watch, smiled and looked at me.
          “Happy Birthday.” In astonishment that he had remembered my birthday and I hadn't gasped out a laugh.
          “There, my Aunt's old cabin.” he pointed out in the distance before he kicked off into a full run, as I slowly followed. I saw it and was amazed, a small little wooden cottage, with a limestone path, and a little white fence. I was walking through the front door when I saw a little piece of yellow paper. I was examining it when I looked inside and saw the beautiful dark hardwood floor, and a glimmering light blue paint, with a little wooden table in it. As I walked next to him I saw three spots on the floor that were light brown, almost tan, I look up at Mike who was almost crying stuttered.

“We’ll stay here for a while then we'll go to town.” I could hardly understand him through the tears. I moved over to his side and put my hand on his shoulder and whispered a question.
          “Here.” he responded weakly through his tears. I worryingly asked him.
          “Do you want a minute?” he shook his head gently.
          “No.” Then he started unpacking his backpack, but to my surprise it was packed with food and a bottled water, and a….blindfold? before I could ask about the blindfold he ordered.
          “Put this on.” as he throw me the blindfold.
          “Why?” I slowly asked. He laughed and replied.
          “Just do it or you won’t get your surprise.” I put it around my eyes, but he had to tie it, even though I was 17 I didn't know how to tie a knot. He then pulled my hands in front of my stomach. I heard his footsteps. Then he came back, put something in my hands and tore the blindfold off. And exclaimed again.
          “Happy Birthday!” I was almost speechless. I was amazed.
          “A copy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.” he smiled and said sadly.
          “It was my moms before…”  my smile had faded, but he was determined to keep me smiling today. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me across the room to a shut door then he opened it. I heard myself ,stupidly, gasp, but I couldn't help it at least ten rows of books.
          “Phenomenal.” I gasped as Mic laughed.
          “Mom and Dad were big readers too.” I didn't know what else to do so I ran up and hugged him, thankfully, he hugged me back. Then he leads me back to the room and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and he handed me a peach and a bottle of water, then grabbed himself a mango and a bottle of water sat down and said.
          “Eat up.” he sat at that table and talked about what her face would look like when Mrs. Bell realized we we’re gone. Then Mic looked at his watch and said.
           “Whoa, we better go to sleep.” I followed him into a small room with two small beds. He pointed to one and said.
           “You’ll sleep there. I’ll sleep here.”  He said, pointing at the other one. He climbed into the moth eaten covers and rolled over, I climbed into the other bed it was moth eaten covers too. I just lay there thinking of random things. After a half hour I was going to ask him if he was asleep, but I fell asleep before I got a chance.

The author's comments:

I love writing short stories and this was just a random idea.

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