coming home | Teen Ink

coming home

November 6, 2014
By kaylaxoxox16 BRONZE, Hemet, California
kaylaxoxox16 BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the distance , I hear an unfamiliar calling . My back against a tall over seeing oak . My jacket scratching the moist bark that I was safley camouflaged into . The warm air that was released from my mouth and nose , Fluttered like butterflies dancing in the wind . I see numerous poeple running between the trunks of the trees in the woods . I hear unfamiliar calling once again . The intolerant thunderous explosions filling the woods with intimidation . Almost every way i turn these seem to follow me . Almost as if they are mocking me . Alomst as if they are setting up a trap for failure . Do i quit now ? Give up my title of command  ? No ! As i quickly decided this I then leave the moist bark that i was pinned up against . Doing summer saults as if i were tumbling in the ocean shore to the next safe area . I hoisted myself up . I hear moist and squishy footsteps that sounded as heavy as bigfoots . With my M16 in my hand I then turn rapidly to my own team mate . Filled the high gratitude for seeing a familiar face . He pats me on the back . An obnoxious pound on my back as if he didnt know how to play the drums . I smiled a weary smile to him , Only when he started to drowsily fall onto me . I quickly dropped my M16 as I tried not to let him touch the ground . From this piont he was still breathing . Unfortunatly,This gave away my cover . As I hastily thought of  a plan I began to drag his body under the bush to hide him . Once I was done I then went to take cover and see where the enemy was located . Thunderous Shots being fired at me but I am lucky enough for them to be missed . Now , I needed a new spot to hide . I sprinted like a cheetah chasing its prey . Beathing heavily I stopped to crowch temperarily behind a rock . Incompatible pains came from my lower abdomen . As I drowsily fell on my back dropping my weapon . I realized im being killed slowly by the blood that clots all my airways . I then only stare into the broken fog that fills the lower area of the woods , still hearing explosions beyond belife and unfamiliar cries . I stare up even higher , for the delicate rare blue sky to reveal its beauty . May this be the last I remember .

The author's comments:

I have heard numerous stories of my brother fighting in afghanistan . This time I have decided to create my own story from listening to his

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