Zombies | Teen Ink


November 5, 2014
By Anonymous

“ You sitting in the back, why aren’t you paying attention in class”?

It’s hard when theirs people scratching at the glass.
Teacher looking puzzled scratched his head,
At that moment I then realized It was the walking dead.

Frightened and amazed I rose to my feet
Today is the day these zombies get a treat.
A group of zombies were coming straight to me
My friend and I quickly shoved the desks to their knees.

Dashing out the class we went into the weight room,
Just as we did we knew we were doomed
Quickly we turned up the treadmills and faced them at the door
Laughing hysterically as zombies tumbled to the floor

We grabbed some weights before it was too late,
Smashing their skulls screaming, “How does this taste?”
Zooming to the main office I came across the master key
At this point my friend asked, “why me?”

My friend holding tightly to his severe slash
I peeked and found something useful in the trash.
A needle labeled  “use if infected in a zombie apocalypse”
I screamed stay with me, but he raised his finger to my lips.

Shocked at what happened I angrily slammed the lockdown button,
Forever in my heart “ Joe Putnam”
I had 15 seconds to get out of the school,
Ran as fast as I can, I had unlimited fuel.

I got outside saw a car on the side,
I couldn’t  believe, I was alive

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