Into Eternal Bliss | Teen Ink

Into Eternal Bliss

October 10, 2014
By adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
adrijg3 GOLD, Franklin, Ohio
16 articles 1 photo 2 comments

     As I look around at the world around me, from my little wooden rocking chair, on my distressed wooden porch, the view is breathtaking.  The green grass sways as the melancholy wind brushes its blades; birds mingle and make patterns with their flights; and clouds huddle together, telling the secrets of the universe.  I hear the laughter of children far off in the distance; the clanking of my windmill getting rusty, as everything does with old age; and the sound of my porch creaking as I rock my rocker back and forth on its unsteady surface.  The smell of fresh morning dew fills my nostrills, and well as the residual bacon smell of breakfast, and faint smell of chicken scratch from my barn in the distance.  My fleece coat feels warm against my pale, wrinkled skin; my fuzzy slippers soft against my calloused feet.  I thumb the worn pages of my Bible slowly, taking in all that is written.  My daughter and hers are inside, still sleeping as I am an early riser.  They've moved here to take care of me in my old years.  I'm thankful for the company.  However, I'm also thankful for my alone moments such as this one, with no one around but my loyal hound, Scruffy.  Even he is getting stiff and lazy in his old years.  They don't know it yet, but my daughter and grandaughter won't be tied here for much longer.  Today is my last day on this beautiful earth.  I'm ready though.  I've lived a long life full of smiles and laughter, heartbreak and obstacles.  I think back to what I would change if I could do it over again.  The answer is nothing.  I wouldn't change a single thing.  I have my daughter, who is as beautiful and loving as her mother once was.  My grandaughter, in her youth, looking more and more like my late wife everyday.  My life has been fufilled, it's time for me to be with the good Lord.  Be with my wife once again, my parents, my siblings..  I breathe in my last breath of life, glorious and sweet.  I see my beautiful wife, beckoning me to her.  She's been waiting for me.  I follow her, into my eternal bliss. 

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