the bully | Teen Ink

the bully

October 6, 2014
By matt12323943 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
matt12323943 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never back down

Once upon a time, Jack and Coco were looking for something fun. All of a sudden, it took a turn for the worst. Both of them were separated. By the time Mindy noticed, her kids had been playing and now one was missing, it was too late. Mindy was trying to clean up when Coco yelled “mom, mom! Jack is gone!”
Coco was an Australian Shepherd and he was light and dark brown. He has such big paws and he is so playful; he is always getting in trouble. He was Mindy’s only blood child; Jack, the jack russell, was adopted. His mom and dad had too many kids so they gave him up. Mindy saved him. He has dark and light brown and black spots that we all love. Especially me. I am a Texas Long Horn cow and I am Mindys brother. Her kids call me Poppa.
One fatal night a long time ago, Mindy was inside the house cleaning so that the boys could have a sleepover. While Mindy was cleaning, Coco and Jack were outside playing ball. The neighborhood bully was watching them playing and having fun. Then he came up with a plan and kips plan was to ruin their fun by taking their ball. So, when Kip came close to the boys, he began to run fast and had his mouth open and was drooling and snarling. He lunged for the ball, knocking Jack into the well. Crash boom ow ow! No one heard him even Coco, whom was trying to get the ball back when he noticed that Jack was not there. Coco began to yell mom,mom he yell and when MIndy heard him she dropped the vacuum cleaner and ran to him and said where is Jack and Coco said we were playing and then kip came and tuck are ball. Mindy said where was you playing? By the well Coco said.
Just than it was all silent and Mindy called for me and i came to the well and saw Jack laying at the bottom so helplessly so i called to her and said Mindy come she saw him and began to freak and cry all at the same time.She ran to the shed and then she came back with rope saying i can do this i can do this i said no you will not because if you both get stuck down there i can't get you out.Than we called the fire department and when they got there and kip saw them he came to give the ball back and said is everything ok and in a quick sec. Mindy grabbed him by the throat and threatened to kill him if he ever came back. Than they got Jack out the well he was so stiff and lifeless bleeding by the mouth and the nurse said he would not live. We all cried and a fuminets later he passed away. Now to this day Mindy is not the same and as for Coco he never played at the well again and as for kip he never bullied anyone else. 

The author's comments:

this is based of of somethning that really happend to my dogs 

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