A Short Story | Teen Ink

A Short Story

June 26, 2014
By Avery Balnis BRONZE, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Avery Balnis BRONZE, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It started when I had grown the desire to take back the money that was stolen from my family. A robust young man claiming to take in my mother’s work salary every month in order to pay some medical debts would stalk our poor town. Taking in all the money he could from almost every household in Lightcrest. The man made a good case I’ll give him that. His imagine definitely fooled people. Black tie, gelled back hair, and knowledge like a grad student at Harvard. The man was a genius. As soon as all the funds were cut through the bone, and Lightcrest went bankrupt, the snake like man silvered away to the neighboring town.
Later that year, over two hundred towns and cities had been on the edge of bankruptcy. It had been said on the news that it was the work of a con-artist and his team jumping from town to town. Claiming to take on money towards health insurance and ‘debts’ that people owed. The county was in a state of chaos. Meanwhile in Lightcrest, my family had lost everything. Our house, our cars, and the worst, my parents lost me.
“We’re sorry Mr. and Mrs. Dilliard. Your financial state makes you unable to take care of your son. We are going to have to take him away from you.” The foster women told my depressed parents. They did put up a fight, but in the end, they had lost. And I was ripped away from Lightcrest and put into a home for boys. I haven’t seen my family since.
What I have done in the last five years was what con-artists dream to accomplish. I have made more money than any human could ever desire. How? Intelligence and cleverness. I didn’t steal money from anyone. I was planning to give back to the families who had been robbed from the snake. But, things didn’t turn out the way I planned. What I was doing wasn’t exactly legal to begin with, but that’s what didn’t get me in the back of a police car. No. It was the fact that I had killed a man. Who? Well, you’ll find out.
“Boss! We had incorporated another million this month!” Mike had said as he stood from his desk chair. He was one of my employee’s. Great guy. The other cheered and clapped their hands as the turned to face me.
“Not surprised, nothing but the best with my boys.” I had told my men, while I stood in front. The excitement on their faces made me smile. The hardest working group of men did earn what they got. I could never ask for better employees. I watched as my team celebrated. We were almost to our quota. Then, this would all be gone.
“So, tell me what the plans are for the great Logan Dilliard when this is all over? Surely a man at twenty six has more in his future. Especially with the money you have.” Stanley, my vice president had said when he snuck up behind me. A smirk appeared on my face. That was a good question at the time. But I thought none of it. I was on top of the world. Nothing could touch me.
“Stocks are my thing my friend. What more is there to do?” I said walking back into my office. To think back to where we started and to where we are now was incredible. I walked back into my office, slamming the door shut in excitement.
What I basically started was a scan, but with a twist. Yes, I did take peoples money and a lot of it, but I did give the “little profit” we made each other. I was set to be a accounted and my lovely assistant Stanly being my banker. Together, we made the biggest business in the West Coast. Knocking out almost every stocking system there was. By age twenty, I was filthy, filthy rich.
Our main place of business was at my home town of Lightcrest. I had made my way back home the day of my eighteenth birthday. This was also the day I escaped the horrific dugong that was the boys home. Awful, awful memories. But it didn’t matter now. I was home. Home to make my millions. Home to show the world that money can be returned.
The building was an empty warehouse that was around the corner from my childhood home. I remember passing it on my bike and thinking, what a creepy place. So Stanley, my cousin Brent, and I pulled up our sleeves, and got to work.
“Log, I don’t see the point in this. What of you get caught by the FBI? You’ll go to jail for
life!” Stanley had told me, as he got his tools ready. I just chuckled

“We’re in Lightcrest. Nothing is going to hurt me here.”
Little did I know my future to come.


“The Snake, Alan Boltion has escaped prison earlier this morning! Authorities say that he is nowhere to be found in the police search and does have dangerous equipped with him. If you are to see this man. Please contact your local authorities immediately. Thank you.” The news broadcaster had said as I watched. My thoughts were endless. The man that I had promised to never think back to again, had escaped from the worst prison on the whole west coast. But my thoughts were broken.
“Jeez Log, you would think that scumbag would be in major watch after what he did. He stole billions!” Stanley said had said, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
“Give me that you fool.” I said snatching it away from him, taking a sip. God, coffee was the best beverage. I’d give anything just to get one snip again.
“Hey! Get your own! There is more coffee over th-” And before Stadley could finish his sentence. He was shot in the head. Shot dead. That is when I realized, this is going to get messy.
“What the hell man?!” I screamed around the office. Since it was only Stanley and I closing up. Nobody could be in here right? All I do is look down at my dead best friend. His heart, broken.
“In everyone’s career laddie comes tragic stages. Now this is going to be your final stage.Your time ends now Logan Dilliard.” And with that deep and nasty voice, a trigger was pulled. A sharp and painful bullet ripped it’s way from my shoulder. It was him. It was the snake himself.
I show no signs of pain, even though it hurt more than anything. Alan smirked and kicked me in the gut and placed his foot on my neck.
“I have been waiting too long for this.” Alan spit out. My shoulder bleeding to the point where blood rushed and mixed Stanley’s. “Your father took EVERYTHING away from me. I killed him first, and now I’m going to kill you. You.. YOU took my millions!”
I thought I was dead right there. The pressure on my neck began to pick up and crush my windpipe. But every handy con-artist had it own little trick. A sly smirk appeared on my face.
“You could ki..kill me..” I said, starting to choke on my own blood. “But not if I kill you first..” I pulled out my gun from my blazer and let the trigger go.
Lucky number ten was the amount of shots that I fired at him. It was over and done. The man who had made my life miserable was dead. I was free.

“Logan Dilliard, you are being charged with grand theft, first degree murder, and having a illegal company. You are here by gilty. Any last words before we send you to jail?” Judge Clanete had explained to me. My lawyer had given up on me and now I was the biggest bad guy around. All crime does catch up to you at some point right?
“Yes, your honor.” I started, the courtroom going dead silent. So silent a needle could hear a needle drop. I took a deep breath. “I may have stolen millions of dollars from people. I did start a illegal business in an empty warehouse. And yes, I did kill a man. But what many people are asking me about regretting my decision. Ha.” He let out a quick chuckled before standing up out of my chair and looked Jugde Clanete right square in his eyes.
“I don’t regret one…. single…. thing.”

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