Daughter's Pride | Teen Ink

Daughter's Pride

May 22, 2014
By Lailic BRONZE, Oakdale, California
Lailic BRONZE, Oakdale, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For a while I sat there, day and night, just a shiny object in the store window, nothing to do but gaze out at all the passersby. Nobody spared me much of a glance, although sometimes a little girl would point at me and get her parents attention, only to be pulled away. I wasn't lonely. I really had no reason to be. I felt like the keeper of the store. While some came and went. I stayed and watched over all. I didn't want to leave, nor did I feel the desire to. This was my home.

Then there was the day everything changed…I want to say it was dark and stormy that rain was beating on the glass. That nothing was going right. But it wasn't. It was a normal day, not even an overcast sky. An older man walked in and was browsing around. He looked familiar but so did a lot of people who came into the shop. He walked over to me and picked me up. I was shocked and confused, nobody had picked me up… nobody. His hands were rough sandpaper and smelled musky like old books. He held me carefully twisting and turning the velvet lined box I resided in.
Without further examining I was brought to the checkout counter.The same counter I had never thought I’d be set down upon, the counter that haunted my dreams. Turning them into nightmares so horrid and sickening I couldn't sleep for days after. Yet, nothing was happening that I should be scared of, until my box was closed. Then I was left in the dark… tumbling and tossing throughout the bag. Jumping and landing with a crash with every step the man took.

After what felt like hours, and it might have been, I was set down and pulled out of my box. I was suddenly cold. I feared I might get sick. My color would fade. And I… I would no longer be a beautiful gem. I longed for the familiar surroundings of my store. The sweet warm vanilla and delicate cherry blossom scent. The shining windows, which every day I gaze out and watch the daily happenings.
A young girl runs into the room. She screams daddy. If they could my ears would bleed from the noise. He smiles and hands her my box. She looks dumbfounded and peers down at me. A tear slides down her cheek and a huge smile forms on her face. Her eyes shine and glow. She Thanks him and gives him a hug before running up the stairs with me in hand. I feel good, I don't miss my store anymore. I feel… complete? Maybe my purpose wasn't to look after the store. One thing's for sure, I have a new home now. A real home.

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