Babysitter | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kate was your typical 11th grade student at Ridgefield High. She showed up five minutes early to every class, and always did her homework. People considered her as a sweet, pretty and innocent teenage girl.

One Friday night as Kate was sitting at her cluttered work desk, her phone started ringing. She looked at her phone and didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyways.

“Hello?” said Kate as she picked up the phone. “Who is this?”

"Hi, Kate! I’m one of your dad’s friends from work. My name is Brad!" the voice on the other end of the phone said.

"Oh, okay. Hi Brad, what's up?"

"Nothing really, I was just wondering. Well… My wife Chrissie and I were planning on going out to dinner tonight and our babysitter cancelled at the last minute. So I was wondering, I know its short notice, but could you babysit our daughter Maya tonight?"

Kate briefly thought about it in her head. Well… I do have a big project due on Monday, but some extra cash would be nice. I have been saving up for that pink polka dot sundress at Forever 21. “Sure, I’ll do it!” Said Kate eagerly. “I’ll be right over!”

Kate frantically grabbed her cherry lip gloss, cell phone, and a water bottle and threw it into her Nike draw string bag. She flung it over her shoulder, as she grabbed her keys and flew out the door.

As Kate pulled up to Brad and Chrissie’s house she became astonished. The house was huge! It looked like the mansions that she had seen on MTV’s Cribs. It had a long beautiful driveway lined with swirly bushes and lights, while the house had many windows and sat back majestically on a hill. Kate parked her car, walked up to the front door and gently pressed the doorbell. Kate was surprised that the door was answered so quickly, In front of her stood a tall, good looking couple. Both of them had blonde hair and were dressed very professional in dark colors. Before leaving, they told Kate that all the numbers that she might need were on the fridge in case that something went wrong, and that Maya had already been fed.

After about an hour of sitting there with the baby watching TV, Maya started to cry. Kate carried her upstairs and softly laid her on the changing table. Kate turned around gathered a diaper; baby wipes and powder in her arms when she noticed that the crying had stopped. She turned around and quickly began to panic. Maya was laying there still and her face had turned blue. Kate instantly dialed 911 on her phone.

"Hello, 911..." the operator said.

"Yes, hi, I need an ambulance quick!"

"What seems to be the problem, Miss?"

"I just left the child I was babysitting alone for two minutes and when I came back, I noticed her face was blue and she's not breathing."

"How old is the child?" the operator asked.

"About 6 months," Kate replied.

"An ambulance is on its way. Have you called the child's parents?"

"No, not yet."

"I suggest you call them before the ambulance arrives."

Kate hung up and then she called Brad.

Kate Screamed "Brad, you have to come home now!” As she slammed down the phone.

Running over to Maya, Kate began CPR. She lightly tipped Maya’s head back, then pinched Maya’s nose and gave her two short breaths. That didn’t seem to help. Kate placed two of her fingers in the center of Maya’s sternum and performed 30 chest compressions. She continued to do so until the ambulance arrived.

When Brad and Chrissie arrived home, Kate tried to tell them what happened. But before she could finish, they were hastily loaded into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital.

Kate tried to follow the ambulance to the hospital, but she lost it in the rush of traffic. When Kate finally did arrive at the hospital, she couldn’t find Brad or Chrissie anywhere. She walked down every hall way and peeked into almost every room. Kate realized how emotionally and physically exhausted she was and returned home to go to sleep.

After two weeks of worry and being nervous, Kate received a letter in the mail from Brad and Chrissie. She was very leery as she opened it, not knowing what was inside. As Kate started reading, a smile grew on her face. Brad and Chrissie were thanking her for saving their daughters life. The doctor said that without Kate giving Maya CPR, Maya would have died. Kate was overjoyed to hear that Maya was okay and her heart felt fuzzy inside. She could now carry on with her life.

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