The Magic Of A Moment | Teen Ink

The Magic Of A Moment

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

The year is 2015, the United States and the United Nations have been at war with North Korea since December of 2012. This story is not about the war, but is about a lone soldier who saved his entire squad while being surrounded and fired upon by the enemy. This is his story.
Hi, my name is Colin Roberts, you might call me your average day grunt fighting the aggression of communism and preserving Democracy, whatever that means. In training they taught us how to shoot an M16 and shipped us out to South Korea. I was put in 5th division, C Company on the frontlines of what used to be Seoul (the capital of South Korea).
It was just an average day when it happened, me and my squad mates were on patrol when in our Vietnam class Humvee when out of nowhere bullets started flying at us from every direction. Of course they broke the glass and started coming through, we immediately jumped out and rolled into a roadside ditch that covered most of our bodies. After I was safely in the ditch I saw that most of us were badly hurt, I was the only one that hadn’t gotten shot yet. I knew that it was up to me to save my buddies and get them back home.
I took the most wounded and carried them to a small cave on the side of one of the surrounding hills where I eventually got everyone. By now the bullets screeches made no imprint on me and I could hardly care about them until I saw them, 50 maybe even 60 guys charging at us from the other hill and ready to kill. By then I had almost no hope of survival in my heart so I unloosened my M16 and fired at them but they started falling faster than I could shoot them curious of the condition of my friends I saw them shooting along with me. Of course I felt very patriotic and heroic when suddenly our helicopters flew in.
We all got out that day and every day I remember that couple of seconds of pure magic knowing my friends had my back.
Colin Roberts and the men of his squad were all awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honor for actions beyond the call of duty. They all have kept in touch and live happy lives. Due to Colin’s heroic actions none of the men of his squad were killed or disabled in the ambush. It is known that a battalion of well-trained North Korean soldiers attacked the small team and that the enemy was held back long enough in the area to protect Seoul which eventually led to the end of the war 6 months later. It is also known that the apache helicopter support was actually an off course attack on a North Korean airbase. It seems that Colin had some magical luck on that day.

The author's comments:
My piece is a look at what might happen in the coming years, and what troubles seclusion can cause. My piece on a modern war on the communist state of North Korea shows what the life of a foot soldier is like in the modern world.

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