TheHouse | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

When we slowly opened the creaky old door, I... you know what, let me start from the beginning. It was a cold and rainy afternoon. My friend and I were building Lego’s in my room. We got bored and tried to come up with something to do. My friend Brady had a great idea; we should go to the Hamster’s old abandoned house. It was told to be haunted by the Hamsters. By the way, they are people not animals. It was Halloween and we didn’t believe the house was haunted.
I called Tatum and Louis. I asked them if they wanted to tag along. They both said it would be fun and we all meet up at the house at 6pm with our flashlights. Louis asked, “So guys, how are we going to get inside the house.” Tatum suggested we try the front door. Brady thought it was bad idea because it has to be locked. But, we decided to try anyways.
So back to where I started, when we opened the creaky old door, I was super frightened. But all of us just walked in. BOOM, the door slammed behind us. Louis tried to open it but wouldn’t budge. We stood in the dark but it got worse. We started to hear footsteps and ran like the Boston Marathon. I found a door and they followed me in. The footsteps got louder and louder. Tatum looked at his watch it said 9:36pm. The footsteps got quieter. Then we heard a bunch of commotion. Bang, Boom, Crack! I cracked the door a little bit to see. Right when I opened the door we made a beeline for the front door and luckily it was unlocked.
We called the cops and turns out a breeze closed the door and the Hamsters still lived there. Their son was just getting a drink and a few pans fell over. The next day we played with our new friend Hayden Hamster.

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