A Christmas Suprize | Teen Ink

A Christmas Suprize

May 19, 2014
By Christopolise10 BRONZE, North Richland Hils, Texas
Christopolise10 BRONZE, North Richland Hils, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Snow flowed through the wintery air, while inside the sound of fire crackling and the tearing of presents. There under the freshly cut tree lay one unopened Christmas card. It read “To the K---- family.”

“Dad can I open it “exclaimed Caleb. “Sure.” The card read “Y’all are going on a cruise.” I immediately grabbed the card and read it for myself. Could it be true? Questions flooded my mind as I read it. In a surprised and crazy voice I yelled,” Were going on a cruise.”

Soon the card was being passed around the entire room. It was read by every single person. One by one mouth dropped as they read the card. There was a minute or two of silence as everybody took in what was happening. Then my dad asked,” Who brought this.” My grandpa and grandma stood up and said they had bought it for the whole family.

The whole family jumped up and cheered and gave them hugs. We thanked them so many times. I thought to myself how did they pay for that. They must be rich I thought silently to myself.

The rest of the night was full of cheer good food and to many pies to eat. Then everybody had to leave, but in the back of our minds we knew that this was the best Christmas ever.

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Christmas gifts

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