A Month Long Vacation | Teen Ink

A Month Long Vacation

May 11, 2014
By noel5632 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
noel5632 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Maia screamed repeatedly from the passenger seat.

“Yes, we’re there.” Jane said sarcastically. “We are staying in the invisible hotel over there so that we can go visit those fields.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Stop the car. I think I really do see the hotel over there.” Maia said, sounding excited.

“Good, I’ve been driving for hours and I’m exhausted.”

As they drove up to the hotel, they saw that only the lobby room light was on, even though it was only about 5 o'clock.

“Why are all the lights off?” Maia asked, “Are they even open?”

“This looks like the right place and since we’ve already booked the rooms, they have to let us stay there, even for just tonight.” Jane said, as she too pondered on why the hotel looked abandoned.

They pulled up to the hotel and parked the car. While Maia worked on getting their luggage out of the car, Jane went in to get the room.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” She asked as she looked around the lobby. It was a long room with a tall ceiling and decorations that looked a hundred years old. The whole place reminded her of one of those creepy hotels in a horror movie. She walked up to the main desk and rang the bell a couple times.

“Hello? Hello? I have a reservation, is there anyone here who can tell me what room I’m in?” Jane said, started to get mad because she had already paid for the room, and upset because she was going to have to go find a new place to stay. However, just as she was about to leave, an old woman came out from the back room and said, “May I help you?”

“Oh, yes. I have a reservation for one room, two beds for four days. My name is Jane Carter.”

“I have a Jane Carter reservation for one room with a double bed for four weeks.”

“Are you sure that’s all you have, I specifically asked for a room with two beds for only four days.”

“Actually, I do have one open room with two beds, but it is kind of small.”

“That’s okay. Let me just go get my sister and our stuff. I’ll be right back.” Jane said quickly.

As Jane hurries back outside, she sees Maia waiting by the entrance with all the luggage.

“Why didn’t you come inside? It wouldn’t have taken that long.” Jane said, as she grabbed her suitcase.

“Because, it looked weird inside. Plus the door would have made it way to hard to get all the luggage through.” Maia snapped back, almost immediately.

“Whatever, just come on before the lady disappears again. I still don’t know where our room is.”

As the woman led them to the room, they saw that the hotel was just one long hallway with doors on both sides. When they finally got to their room, they could no longer see the front entrance. As the woman opened their room, Jane could see that she wasnt joking when she had said it was small. The room had two twin sized beds, a small bathroom, and one window at the back. The room was so small, they barely had enough room for their stuff.

“Well, this is nice.” Maia said after the old woman had given them the key and left. “Kind of old-fashioned and a little bit of a tight fit, but it’s only for four days, right.”

“Yeah, only three days. As long as that lady doesn’t charge me for the four weeks she put my reservation as.”

“And what if she does charge you for the four weeks?” Maia asked uneasy.

“Then we will have wonderful stories to tell our friends when we get back, in a month!” Jane sighed.

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