Practice makes Perfect | Teen Ink

Practice makes Perfect

April 29, 2014
By 330Cats BRONZE, Struthers, Ohio
330Cats BRONZE, Struthers, Ohio
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I sat hunched over tying my skates early saturday morning. Practice was just getting started when I saw Coach B appear from his office. Coach was an older gray man with a shaky voice, no one was really sure what B stood for, but then again, no ever asked. “Hey coach” I said trying to make my way to him. “Morning, Jack, everything alright?” Coach asked after taking a sip of his daily coffee. “Do you think I might get time tomorrow?, you know, for the big game?” I had only played 3 minutes this whole season and that was only because our two best players were so sick they couldn't even shoot the puck.”If you work hard and be a team player you can accomplish anything”, Coach said like always. Every practice I asked myself “what am I doing wrong?”. Tomorrow would be our last game of the season and I wanted to prove Coach wrong by winning the game for us.
When I reached the ice, Adam, probably the best friend I ever had, was already taking his warm ups. Our friendship went all the way back to first grade when we first met. We had be friends ever since and still tell the same jokes when we were little kids. Coach loved Adam, probably because he led our team in almost every category from goals to shot blocks. He wore the captain's “C” on his uniform which he completely deserved. I skated over to Adam where he was taking a water break. “Ready for tomorrow?” he said as i approached him. “yeah but I dont think ill be playing”, I spoke trying to hide my disappointment. “Aww man that sucks” Adam said with genuine disappointment. Coach B called the boys over in a circle. “Its been a good season men, but none of that matters tomorrow. I don’t have to remind you who were playing, I don’t have to remind you what happened last time we played this team (We lost 8-0 last time)” Coach said staring right through us. “Lets have a solid practice, and get the W tomorrow” Adam chipped in.
I tried my hardest that whole practice, doing every drill 100% just like coach asked. I glided down the ice with the steamy sweat pouring down my face. The end of practice was my favorite, we gathered around the ice for the daily 4 on 4 game. This was a rare time that even Coach B was smiling. Adam played in the first game, he worked hard and even scored a goal. Just as he was about to score again a stick jammed his skate and he went flying into the boards. For a moment everything was quiet and the players and coach rushed over to their fallen captain.He was in serious pain and everyone on the ice could tell.
We all waited in the locker room hoping that everything was going to be alright. Coach appeared in the doorway with a grim look, “Adam will be okay, hes on his way to the hospital no”. Coach said with a frown, “Everyone go home and get plenty of rest, 8:00 tomorrow don’t be late”. The team packed up and cleared the locker room shortly later.
I went home that night and told my parents the awful news. “Now we’re certainly going to lose!” I yelled from atop the steps. “Oh don’t say that honey, just do what you can” My mom said trying to make light of the situation. “Just get lots of rest”. I crawled into bed that night trying to get the game out of my head. I slowly dazed off after the long day.
The next morning I shuffled into the car, dragging my bag along with me.
The air was cool and the morning breeze was still in the air. We arrived at the rink one hour before game time as coach required. “Good luck” Both my mom and dad called as I slammed the car door. The locker room was mostly filled up with other players when I noticed Adam in the corner of the room. He sat in his locker with a cast extending down his left leg. He looked blank, the bags under his eyes told the story of his night. Just before I could make my way to him, Coach called me to his office. He shut the door behind him and sunk into his office chair. “Hi Jack, I was speaking to Adam last night and he wanted me to tell you something” Coach said as his voice softened. “He wants you to fill his spot on the first line” I couldn’t believe what i just heard. Before I had anytime to react the bell had already rung signaling the start of the first period. “Work hard out there son” Coach said with a genuine smile.
The first period went by without much action, I skated well and got a lot of ice time. “Keep skating son, I know you can do it” Coach said before we went back on the ice. I skated fast around the boards and shuffled the puck to my teammate. The final period was winding down with both teams deadlocked at one. With less than thirty seconds to go coach called a timeout. “You guys have worked hard all season, I have loved being a part of this team, lets win this game!” The faceoff was just to the left of my stick. The puck came back to me as I slid down the boards. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the scoreboard blinking red. I threw the puck at the net as hard as I could hoping for a miracle. Everyone went silent as the puck hit the goal. It slid just across the line and the red lamp flickered on. I threw my hands into the air in pure excitement. I could just make out two figures still sitting on the bench. There sat coach and Adam, grinning from eye to eye.

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