Perfect Pizza | Teen Ink

Perfect Pizza

May 6, 2014
By Anonymous

A restaurant can be considered worthy of a return trip for countless reasons. Individuals appreciate different elements, but always find something that is missing.It is quite rare when an eatery is exceptional enough that customers find nothing to complain about. This is what the experience is like at Grimaldi’s. This pizza restaurant excels in every way. The staff is top of the line, the atmosphere is enjoyable, and above all the food is fabulous.

The menu at this restaurant is somewhat basic, but the simplicity makes the server’s job easier. I have visited this restaurant countless times and have yet to find a bad employee. Every time they flock to our table in a matter of minutes, and use the utmost customer service. The atmosphere might be the only element that can top the staff. The details definitely benefit the experience.The restaurant started in New York and you can fully understand their Brooklyn roots by all the pictures up on the walls. There is classical music playing at the perfect volume so one almost feels as if they are in New York. The atmosphere is a wonderful compliment to the superb food.

One of my favorite dishes has to be the Caesar salad. The salad is filled with fresh lettuce, homemade croutons and topped off with a great dressing. This starter is so tasty it is easy to run out of room before the pizza even hits the table. The hardest decision a customer will have to make is choosing between cheese or pepperoni. Both are cooked to perfection, and are what have made Grimaldi’s famous in cities all over the United States.

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