The Legend of Lucy | Teen Ink

The Legend of Lucy

April 27, 2014
By Courtella BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
Courtella BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.

Nelson Mandela


The power of the Unicorn Girl

“You’ve got to be kidding me Amy. No. No, way. I refuse. RE-FUSE!” I turned away from her trying to avoid her puppy dog eyes.

I let out a long sigh, which in Amy-land means yes. I didn’t even have to say yes to her, she knew the real answer either way. No matter how many times I said no I would be dragged into it one way or another. Amy had that power over me. The ability to make me do any crazy plan she got herself dragged into even if I knew we were going to get busted, or expelled, or even deported! Ever since Amy had started dating John she’d been on a rebellious streak and no matter what it was I always got dragged along. I didn’t mind John, but it was Nick and Adam who always seemed to get us into bad situations. Not only that, but I always got partnered up with Adam on every adventure, and Amy has been trying to puppy-dog eye me into “liking” him.

I’ve never stopped to question if anything was ever taking it too far. Everyone had always pegged me as the rebel; with my tattoos, black hair, black eyeliner, and black clothes (what can I say black is slimming). My bad behavior was expected, even if I was an all A student and was ranked number one in the class. This was different though…this was a hardcore mischievous deed to be done.

“Don’t you think this is a little much, Amy?” I hoped that if she thought I, Miss “Rebel in Black”, thought this was too much, then she would realize the error of her ways and start being the pink, fun-loving, wears miniskirts every day, girl she use to be.

“It’s only a little prank! Nick said it won’t get us in too much trouble even if we do get caught!” I’d met her gaze again and was starting to get pulled back into her evil siren-like trap of over happy rainbows and unicorns.
“How would we even do this? I mean come on! Breaking into the school? Isn’t that a little over done or something?” She slapped her hand to my mouth and put her finger to her lips in a “hush-hush” gesture.
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We don’t want people to hear!” My mouth was released from its prison, which was lucky for her, because I was five seconds away from licking her hand and sending her screaming down the hallway to the bathroom for germ-ex. “Nick has it all planned out. It’ll work, trust me.”
“Oh, trust you. Yeah, yeah and that worked out so well last time.” I rolled my eyes, freeing myself from her magical pixie trance for a moment.
“I’ll text you the details later!” Before I could even attempt to save myself from the situation she was sprinting down the hallway to Math. I turned and walked into AP Bio and for the rest of the day enjoyed imagining what kind of trouble I was getting myself into this time.

Text from Amy (Unicorn girl) Morrison 3:16pm
“1:00 am, back gym door, wear black (lol like I need to tell you to do that), be there or be square! <33 *AmyRAWR*

Part Two
Let’s Get Physical

So, I met up with Amy, Nick, John, Lauren, and Adam at the back of the gym as planned. NOT because Amy had used her magical powers to put me in a trance to go, but because I was interested in seeing how they planned on even getting into the building. When I arrived everyone was dressed in black as planned (Amy in a black miniskirt, who would have guessed!). Adam didn’t meet my eyes, as expected. Nick was all over Lauren, saw that coming too. And John and Amy were happily ranting to me about how much fun this was going to be in their usual, “we’re the cutesiest giggliest couple you’ll ever meet”, voices.

Nick starts tossing up a rope into the small window of the back gym, which they must have left open for our plan to work. It took about 10 minutes just to actually get the rope through the window, but I didn’t complain. Well I didn’t complain until they wanted to fling me up there.
“So all you have to do is put your foot here,” John and Adam had their hands together in a little cup and were leaning down to help push me up once I got to them, “then you just jump. John and Adam will give you a little extra push since they’ll be kind of throwing you, know what I mean?” Of course I gave him that “you’ve got to be kidding me” look. As if I would really let them throw me into the air to try and shimmy through a window. I don’t think so.

“You’re crazy. Yep, you are all insane. What makes u think I can do that?!?!”

“Well, you are the only one of us that was a gymnast.” Adam commented, probably attempting to reassure Nick’s plan, but by the look on his face he wasn’t so sure about it either.

“Yeah, if you call a year of gymnastics in the 3rd grade being a gymnast. I sure don’t.” The next 20 minutes consisted of me trying to convince them that this was a horrible idea! I had plenty of good points. This was probably our last strike, we’d already done some bad things this year and I had told my parents I’d stop with the bad seediness. Nothing seemed to get through, and found myself staring and John and Adam bend over ready for me to run towards them and chuck me into the air.

“Come on Lucy. You’re just wasting time.” Lauren inserted. I wanted to punch Lauren in the face at that comment. She’s not the one that was about to be thrown about 10 feet into the air now was she, but I sucked it up and went with the plan. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. I ended up dangling off the window for awhile, but with my amazing upper body strength I managed to pull myself through the window. Once I was inside I politely opened the door for my colleagues and we proceeded with the plan, whatever the plan was.

Part Three
Enough is Enough

I was never Miss party pooper or anything, but I knew there was a reason they had kept me in the dark about what the plan was. Ever other time we did something I was always part of the plan, and I was always the one who knew exactly how much trouble we would get into for whatever we were doing.

We walked down the halls talking about what the reactions would be like tomorrow when all the students came, even though I still was lost on what we were doing. Eventually we reached Mrs. Anderson’s classroom (the AP English Teacher). She was probably the best teacher in the whole school. She was understanding about grades, papers, tests, pretty much anything. She was one of those people that we didn’t even consider a teacher, she was more of a friend.

“What are we doing here?”
“Mrs. Anderson is head of the band field trip, so she collects all of the money,” Nick’s voice seemed too loud for the empty hallways even when he whispered, “We know where she keeps the money. So we’re going to take it.”

They all took a step forward to get closer to the door, but I just stood there. I never felt remorse for any of our stunts we pulled. Nothing we ever did was as bad as this. All we did was graffiti, silly string, or simple predictable pranks that were bad, but still funny. I never thought we would have gone this far. It was bad enough that it was Mrs. Anderson, and if we didn’t get caught she would be blamed for losing all of the funds for the bands trip, but this was a CRIME. Not just a simple prank like moving all the furniture in the principles officer, this was stealing. I had told myself that I had limits, that I would know when it was far enough and that I would stop when it’s taking it over the edge. And that time was now.

“No.” I said it out loud, not whispers like our other conversations down the hallway, but as if it was a completely normal day, not in the middle of the night with no one but each other around. My words echoed down the hallway and even I felt chills as the sound came back around, as if I was saying it to myself. They all turned around from the door and stared at me, each face dumbfounded.
“No? What do you mean no?” Nick took a step forward, his face turning to a scowl, but I felt no fear, just power surging through me.
“I won’t help you with this. I won’t let you do this. I thought this was just going to be another one of our silly pranks, not stealing.” My eyes moved to Amy’s, as soon as they met her eyes bolted to the floor. “Amy, why would you even agree to this?” I paused to let her respond, but it never came. I didn’t even waste my time on Nick and Lauren. I knew they were the ringmasters of this plan, so I was going to have to work on John and Adam. “Adam. You know this is wrong.” We stared each other down for awhile. I tried feeding him different emotions through my eyes, First disappointment, then pleading, and finally shame. The shame got to him the most.

“She’s right. This is wrong guys.” I felt a million times better with someone on my side, literally on my side, because after he said it, he moved next to me and faced all of our friends. “We can’t do this. John, you know this is wrong. We shouldn’t have even thought about doing this.” At this John grabbed Amy’s hand and glanced up at her. I felt them having that mental conversation somewhat like the one me and Adam had.

“You’re right Lucy.” Amy now broke away from John and walked to my other side. John being alone and somewhat lost without Amy, shuffled to the side of Adam, and the four of us stared down Nick and Lauren, who still remained silent.

“Do what you guys want. We’re still going through with it.” Lauren had her hands on her hips as if she was a small child, snapping a clever comment back at an adult. I shook my head at Lauren who had already been corrupted by Nick’s true rebellious nature.
“Let’s go guys.” I turned to walk out the door, and my real friends followed. We parted ways on the outside of the building, not saying much, but all realizing that what we had done was right.

Text from Adam Knight 4:47am:
Thanks for being brave enough to stop them, since none of us were. So uh, I know this is kind of sudden but Amy and John are dragging me to a movie tomorrow and I’d rather not be alone with them…it’s kind of awkward (since they’re all couply), so mind coming?

After that Adam and I ended up dating, and John, Amy, Adam, and I do started doing everything together. As for Nick and Lauren, they ended up not taking the money, probably because they thought we would rat them out, even if we got accused too. I grew up a little after that day. I stopped being “Miss Rebel in Black” (I still wear black a lot though) and just started being Lucy. I don’t play pranks anymore; People know I’m ranked number 1 in the class, and I honestly feel better about myself for stopping Nick and Lauren. I don’t let Amy drag me into things, even if she uses her magical powers. I just do what I know is right, and that works for me.

The author's comments:
A Three Part story about Lucy, "Miss Rebel in Black" who isn't really a rebel (although she does wear a lot of black) who get's roped into playing a major prank. Will Lucy stand up for what's right, or fall into the bad kid crowd?

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