a stupid reason | Teen Ink

a stupid reason

April 17, 2014
By paige beaner BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
paige beaner BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

as is sit here laughing and smiling at my youngest step brothers wedding i remember all the times we have fought like the time we first time we met. i walk into the house in my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a "my chemical romance" T-shirt my little brother Tim is a very lovable person unlike me where i like to keep to myself i met my dads girlfriend and she is nice so is James hes a nerd but
Ben he has the same style has me but with a "nirvana" T-shirt when i went up to him all he did was glare at me and never said any thing to me.It has been two years and I have never talked to Ben and all I get from him is glares and rude As I sit here laughing and smiling at my youngest step brothers wedding, remembering all the times we have fought. Like the time we first met, I was trying to be nice for my dad because we were meeting his girlfriend (now wife). I remember that day so clearly

I walked into the house with my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a “My chemical romance” T-shirt and plan black convers. My little brother, Tim is a very lovable person that loves to meet new people; as to me that likes to stay to myself and not socialize with people. I met her, she seems cool. When I turn and see James, he’s one of those gamer types and looks really nerdy looking. Then I see Ben, his style is kind of like mine skinny jeans, and a nirvana T-shirt. I tried to say hello to him but all he did was glare at me. all through dinner he was glaring at me and I never knew why and didn’t want to ask why he doesn’t like me, when I haven’t done anything to him but walk through the door and try to be nice to everyone.


It has comments from him. The night I decide to get up and talk to him is a night I will never forget .when I went up to him and asked what his problem was with me all he did was yell at me about how I’m always in his way, the thing is I’m never near him, I never walk the same path as him, I also know it wasn’t at all the reason he was always so mean to me I could see it in his eyes, I could also tell that he wanted to say something else you could hear it in this voice so at that I just walked away pissed that I didn’t get the answer I was looking for. The next day t talked to my dad and step mom about the whole thing. They didn’t give very good advice for the whole thing the just told me to give him time and use to that fact that he has new siblings, but we have known each other for three years already. The only thing they offered to help with is talk to him but I want to deal with it on my own. As the time went on Ben got himself a girlfriend, I didn’t like her one bit, she just treated him wrong but I don’t dare tell him, for one he doesn’t like me, two he wouldn’t care for what I have to say. I found out one night when I was out with my friends she was cheating one him, with this guy in my grade. I confronted her about it, she was not happy she got caught. She got in my face and said that if I ever tell ben she would make my life a living hell and with that she slapped me in the face and walked away. When I got home my dad step mom Tim and James freaked out when I got home and I had a hand print on my face but all Ben did was laugh and walk away. the night Ben found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him was the night I found out why he hated me so much . she was over with the kid in my grade that she was cheating on him with, when Ben went to get something to drink he came back to his room and saw them kissing. He flipped out and kicked his now ex-girlfriend out of the house, the kid from my grade fallowed her out of the house. When they were gone Ben started punching the walls, kicking his walls, he was screaming and throwing glass everywhere, to say that I was scared wouldn’t describe what I was feeling. The thing that surprised me was that I was the only one to calm him down, out of the three and a half years of knowing him and him hating me, I Rose could calm him down .i was scared of him at that moment but I did what I had to do, and in that moment he told me the real reason why he hated me so much. The reason why he hated me was because we were so much alike. I had the same style, same social awkwardness and almost everything. He said he was scared to get close because he didn’t want people to thing I was a freak like him, but little did he know the only difference between me and him was I didn’t care if people thought I was a freak. I just wanted him to be my brother.
Now watching him laugh and smile at his wedding, I’m glad he freaked out so I could calm him down, if that didn’t happen I don’t think we would have the same relationship that we have now.

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