Short-Lived | Teen Ink


April 21, 2014
By Anonymous

I think as humans, our biggest downfall is always that we think we have plenty of time.

There is no such thing as plenty of time. You’ll look at a clock thinking only two minutes have passed by and poof, an entire hour has passed and you’ve missed some key moments and you’ve forgotten short-lived memories and you’re wishing you can get that time back, but you can’t. You can’t.

It hurts to think that time lost will be just that, lost, never again retrievable.

And that’s why I’ve chosen to live my life. I will study until my brain aches and sharpen my skills until they can be sharpened no more, but I want to enjoy my life. And that may be selfish or foolish, cliché and maybe even worldly; but I was given this life to live, not to toy with, and so I will live, insistently, persistently, fully, until my final moment has arrived.

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