I am... | Teen Ink

I am...

April 14, 2014
By racpol91 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
racpol91 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life moves faster than you’d expect. I’ve spent more years than i can imagine with my best friend. But now, as we both near our end, I think back to everything she did for me and how much we meant to each other. She was always my life line. When things were hard she was always there to console me. To make me feel better, and distract me from the bad things. She was who I would share all my problems and concerns too. I knew she would always keep my secrets and never betray me. Even on my worst of days she was always there for me. And now that we're reaching our limits, I can’t imagine a world without her in it. I know this could come off wrong, but I hope she goes before me. I never want her to live in a world without me in it. I would rather keep the pain of loss to myself, than hand it off to her.

As I lay here in my bed, my heart monitor beeping, I look across the room at her and smile. She feels my stare and looks up. I can see the happiness light up her face and the love she has for me shine through her eyes. I smile at her and watch as she picks herself off the floor, her tail wagging, with a little woof. She limps over to my bed and looks up at me and whines. I call for my nurse, and she comes in and goes straight to Amber. She already knows what I want. She picks up my dog and lays her on the bed next to me. She lays down with a big sigh, and I smile. She has always been there for me, has always been my best friend, and she always will be.

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