Jade and Cecilia | Teen Ink

Jade and Cecilia

April 12, 2014
By sorainu BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
sorainu BRONZE, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“No one loves you. You can’t do anything right. I hate you. Your mom hates you. Your dad hates you. Even your grandparents hate you. Just do it.” Jade said to Cecilia quietly.

“No! My family has told me they love me! They do their best to show it to me!” Cecilia screamed back. “And besides, you’re just in my head!”

“Just do it Cecilia. You know you don’t belong here. You know you’re worthless. Just admit it to yourself! Everything you have done in your life has either gone wrong or gone unacknowledged! No one pays attention to you unless you do things wrong! Your brother gets more attention and love from your family!” Jade shot back at Cecilia. “Just kill yourself. You know everyone else’s life would be better if you weren’t around. At the very least, you could kill yourself now and people would only have to deal with the time they have already spent on you.”

“I can’t kill myself! I can’t do that to my family! I can’t do that to my siblings! They will grow up thinking about how messed up I was! And cry when they think about how they wish they could have spent more time with me!” Cecilia shrieked.

“If you don’t kill yourself they will already grow up thinking how messed up you are. You have multiple personalities! And you can’t control them. They will only think how they wish you were gone, and wish they didn’t have to deal with you.” Jade said calmly. “If you do it, they won’t miss you one bit.”

“Fine!” Cecilia screamed. “Fine, I’ll do it. Just to get you out of my head. To get the guilt out of my life. I can’t deal with you anymore! You constantly just make me feel horrible about myself! I’m done!”

“Take the pills.” Jade whispered. “You know, the ones that your mother has said could kill you with only one dose. She always warned you, ‘Don’t you ever think about taking these pills Cecilia, the only reason my body can handle them is because of how sick I am.’”

“I can’t do it”

“Do it”

“I can’t!”

“Do it now! Take them now or I will never let you live this down! Just imagine, your entire life listening to me torment you about how weak you are!” Jade exclaimed. “You know what? Just wait until I take over your body, then you can’t do anything to stop me from doing anything.” She said sinisterly.

“I’ll do it Jade. I’ll do it.” Cecilia said with a tear shaken voice.


“Cecilia, can you come help with the groceries please!” Cecilia’s mom, Angie, yelled from downstairs. After waiting a minute, she yelled again for Cecilia, “Cecilia! Come down here and help please!” Waiting yet another minute, she decided to come upstairs, “Cecilia, what is going o…” She screamed as soon as she saw Cecilia, a lifeless body on the floor.

“What’s wrong hun?” Cecilia’s father, Todd, investigated as he was coming up the stairs. He walked toward Angie, intrigued as to why she screamed, “Did you see another roach?” He asked half giggling. As he walked toward Cecilia’s door, where Angie was, his smile faded, “Oh my god.” He said in a low voice. “Angie, call 911.” He watched her just stand there, “Angie, call 911 now!” She turned and ran down the stars for the phone. He walked toward Cecilia’s body and exclaimed profanity. He ran to Cecilia thinking to himself “No, no please don’t be dead! I knew I should have been worried. This is my fault.” He felt her pulse, almost not beating, he prayed in hopes that she could be revived, “Dear God, please. Please! Don’t let her die now!”

Angie came back into the room, “The ambulance is on it’s way!”

“I can’t feel a pulse, Angie.” he said calmly.”She’s gone.”

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