LIfe Suck's | Teen Ink

LIfe Suck's

April 9, 2014
By Amy14 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Amy14 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life Suck’s

“Peter, I'm going to die soon. The doctors just gave me the news and said the tumor is spreading. I don't have long,” Gentry told her boyfriend Peter in a depressing voice.

“That can’t be right? You only just found about the tumor. How could it spread that quick?”

“Who knows? All I know is that I want to make the most of these last 2 weeks or so.”

“Me too,” Peter said holding her hand.

One week passed and each day Gentry got worse and worse. Gentry was in the hospital a lot. Peter was very lonely without Gentry with her all the time, and he couldn't do much because he just got out of hip surgery.

Peter arrived at the hospital on the first Monday of the second week. He had bought her flowers, popcorn, and her favorite movie to watch together. Peter walked in the door, limping with pain. He saw Gentry with a huge smile on her face, so that cheered him up.

“I brought you flowers,” Peter said handing the to her.

“I've noticed,” Genty said with a huge smile on her face.

“Why are you so happy?” Asked peter.

“Because Peter! I have great news. The doctors told me this morning that they have new treatment and they are going to test it and if it works they are going to give it to me. Hopefully it will make a difference and destroy the tumor.”

“Wow Gentry! That’s great news I'm so happy for you,” he said kissing her forehead

“And how are you Peter?”

“You know what? I’m doing great. And now that I’m with you, I'm even better.”

Gentry couldn't help but blush.

“I love you so much Peter.” Gentry said grabbing his hand.

“I love you too.”

Later that week Gentry took the treatment. She was feeling so much better just after a couple hours, and the doctors could tell it was working because the tumor drastically shrunk in just a few days.
“Gentry honey. I have some good news for you,” the doctor said tapping her so she would wake up. “Your tumor is decreasing in size by a large amount. I think this treatment is working!” Gentry instantly woke up.

“Oh my gosh! This is great news! I need to call me boyfriend and my parents,” Gentry said grabbing her phone off the side table. She quickly called her parents because she knew they had to be the first ones to know, but she was desperate to call Peter.

“Hello? Gentry? What’s wrong?” asked Gentry’s mom as if something bad was happening.

“Mom! I’m fine. I just had the treatment, and it’s working!”

“Oh of course! Today was the day you had the treatment! I’m so sorry I wasn't there with you through it all. I will be there in no time!”

“Okay, bye mom!” Gentry said quickly hanging up. She was so eager to call Peter. She dialed his number and pressed call while she was shaking from excitement. It rang for a while, and it went to voicemail. She called again. Someone picked up.

“Peter? Hello? Peter is this you?”

“Hello Gentry. This is officer Dave here to tell you that your friend Peter was recently in a major car accident that involved two 18 wheelers and Peter’s car. He is being rushed to the hospital right now but there is no sign of a heartbeat. We don’t think he will make it. I think he’s gone Gentry.”

Gentry immediately hung up in total shock. “How could this happen?” she asked herself. “I’m the one who was suppose to die. Me! Not Peter.” Gentry immediately started crying, and she couldn't stop. Half an hour later Gentry’s parents walked in.

“Gentry! What’s wrong?!” asked Gentrys dad quickly walking over to her.

“It’s Peter...He’s gone.

Months without Peter was hard for Gentry. She had no one visiting her 24/7, and she had no one to comfort her when she was feeling rough. Gentry had no point of living and she just wanted to die. Gentry was getting worse and so was the treatment

April 2nd, at 2 o’clock in the morning, Gentry passed away in her sleep. The nurses didn't know if she had cut the breathing tubes on purpose to be with Peter or if they just slipped out. Everyone was devastated but Gentry felt like she was in a better place, especially because she was with her one true love. When her heart stopped, she arrived in a room that was all white. Then, Peter appeared. Peter walked towards her, looking as good as he did the first time they met.

“Its about time,” Peter teased. The two walked into Heaven with no limp, no oxygen tank, and no tumor.

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teen romance

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