Day of the dump | Teen Ink

Day of the dump

April 2, 2014
By Keegan Korienek BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
Keegan Korienek BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

this is the story of the day my dear friend **** pooped his pants .
it twas freshman year as he looked with a scowl
as he knew he couldn't control his powerful bowels .
as he shuffled to the office and made a call home
he said “mom it happened again we were learning about rome.”
as he loves rome so much he can’t control himself
he took a massive dump the size of a shelf

the pungent smell then filled the air
nobody stopped because no one cared.
they all know now what comes in history that day.
because of my friend who sprayed
all over his pant making a mess.
he does it often enough to be the best.
as i talked to him again he said “ i shall not poop my pants the time has come.”
and with those few words the smell was gone
now ***** life can now go on.

The author's comments:
i got inspiration from an April fools joke that some one in my first hour let one go he was my friend

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