Twins | Teen Ink


March 24, 2014
By Anonymous

In a place called Bridgewater, into the village of Ambler, twins were born whose names were Jake and Julius. These twins were very different than the rest of the twins around. Throughout the years as they grew bigger and older they were changing from good little kids into bad, snotty, selfish teenagers. Once they turned nineteen, both were accomplices at everything. Everywhere they would go they would cause trouble, leaving angry villages and mad people hanging up ‘wanted posters’ for them for all the chaos they had started. They wanted revenge. Jake & Julius were both single since they always got chased out of villages, or ran away, they never had time to settle down or think about a girl or family. With all the trouble they caused they didn’t have time to think about anything!
Julius had red hair like his brother Jake, they both had freckles, Julius was skinny with a slightly big nose and ears and his skin color was a little too pale. Jake was chunky with big eyes; his skin color was light brown. One thing for sure was that Jake & Julius were filthy most of the time. They never cleaned up after themselves, never did anyone a favor unless they needed something in return. They were really selfish brothers. Both brothers normally live in Ambler city. They owned a little house made out of hard rock that first started off as clay, then as it dried turned to a stone house. Neither of them worked so that was one of the main reasons they caused so much trouble around, they had nothing else to do, no money, no jobs, no girlfriends, no kids…no nothing.

Jake and Julius loved money and wanted to have a lot of power. Both brothers were ambitious and physically strong, although they didn’t show it. They wanted all the power they could get and had none. It made them aggressive, they wanted everything their way and they would do anything at all to get it. If not they would destroy the one thing, those who got in their way valued the most, and make them regret they never listened to them. When they were angry they had adrenaline pumping through their veins and did terrible things without even noticing what was going on. It was like they were losing it, going crazy and insane. One thing everybody knew for sure was that they needed to be stopped…but how?
The villagers knew three things that the twins were afraid of the most. Julius and Jake were afraid of snakes because most of them were poisonous, they were also afraid of spiders because they were ugly and some hairy and had so many legs also because some were deadly. And finally they were also afraid of bugs because it gave them both the creepy crawlies. They hated the feeling when they felt tiny little insects on them. They felt gross with their hard shell back and the insect’s eyes creaped them out. Once they had killed some bugs and they heard a crunch and their hard shell cracking, and that’s what they hated the most. They hated the scaly skins on snakes and the way spiders looked. That would mean that the village knew a way to stop them. But how can they corner them into a place with a bunch of spiders, snakes and insects?
One day Julius decided to go to the nearest little store near them to buy some oil so the front door would stop getting jammed. When Julius left, Jake stayed home and decided to take a nap. The villagers took advantage of that time and decided to gather up insects and non-poisonous snakes and spiders that weren’t deadly, they weren’t trying to kill Jake and Julius they were trying to teach them a lesson, and also hoping to scare them out of the village of Ambler. Some villagers went into the pet store and convinced the pet keeper of their plan to scare Jake and Julius. Considering that Jake and Julius had once gone into the pet store and broke a fish tank and let a horse loose, the pet keeper was still mad about it and wanted to get them back. He had all kinds of pets and insects and spiders he had reptiles, wild animals, it was an exotic & different pet store it wasn’t like any other.
Groups of villagers kept coming in and the pet keeper kept giving them bags of insect and cages of spiders and snakes in bags. Once they had what they needed they went into the twin’s house only to realize that Jake was inside taking a deep nap. It seemed like he was so knocked out and tired, and they knew he wasn’t going to wake up. That only meant they had to be extra quiet and try to do things on the low. Some villagers slightly opened the door, but it was sort of jammed, so the then the carpenter reached into his pocket and took out some oil he carried around for occasions like this.
After the door was fixed he opened it just enough to slide everything in and let it loose. First went the insects, he got the bag inside and lifted it up face down and out came the insects. Some flew to the window others settled down on the couch where Jake was sleeping. The rest went into the bathroom and landed on the bathtub, toilet, sink and a few in the kitchen.
Next came the spiders. He opened the little cages and the spiders quickly ran out to freedom, went under the couch, some behind the curtain, they worked their way into the blankets, crawled into the couch, and some by the door. Finally they took the snakes and let them out in the living room they all went under the table, and chairs into the bathtub. Jake didn’t even hear a sound; the whole house was infested with their biggest fears!
The villagers quickly got the bags and cages and closed the door quietly. They took off as fast as they could, minutes passed and they heard Julius laughing as he was trying to throw rocks at the rabbits and birds in the little forest. The villagers didn’t seem to care, only because there was a surprise waiting for him and Jake once they found out what was in their house.
Julius was outside his doorstep and he had the bottle of oil in his hand. Once he finished putting on the oil he opened the door, and quickly screamed to the top of his lungs. Jake in a snap woke up, both boys yelling as they ran out of the living room into the bedroom and hid under the bed. A snake slithered between them. Now they were really scared! They jumped up and ran to the bathroom and saw snakes and insects, and spider everywhere. Snakes slithered across their feet and some insects struggled to climb up their legs. Stepping all over the place the twins made a run for the kitchen to find out it’s infested with their fears. They decided to not take anything with them since it was all touched by snakes insects and spiders.
They ran out the house and ran into the forest. As they left, the villagers were screaming and yelling in excitement, knowing they weren’t going to come back. The village of Ambler was finally safe for once and out of the chaos and destruction of Jake and Julius. They never heard of the destructible twins since.…the day they saw their fear face to face.

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