What seems reality(part 1:A sudden change) | Teen Ink

What seems reality(part 1:A sudden change)

March 16, 2014
By shamama BRONZE, Karachi, Other
shamama BRONZE, Karachi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What seems reality(part 1:A sudden change)

Its crazy how people change .One day he is holding your hand and the next he doesn't even look at you.Its shockingly true.It brakes your heart,It tears you down and it sends shivers of loneliness down your spine.It may tear down every delicate fiber of your body sometimes it makes you speechless and puts your mind in a state of confusion.It baffles you so much that you may not sleep at night.It puzzles you so much that you may lose appetite.It puts your head in a situation of self-doubt.The endless pain that you feel when you reminiscence about the memories.Its hard to hold up but your body will keep you serene.Your brain will make you accept reality and you will.The next thing you know is that person makes your enemy.Now for vengeance you will make him pay.You will only be complacent when your eyes will see him feel that pain.
Actually both of you are in a state of mental confusion.None of you exactly know what happened.A single misunderstanding can lead to revenge.You cant help it once you are in it you can't get out.Things have changed in a blink of an eye that its hard to believe what it has done.The question itself bewilders you why am i doing this?is it a part of a confusion or is it an unstoppable rivalry.It isn't a mere act of reprisal its much more bigger than this.You can't actually predict its immensity and neither can he.The deep you bury yourself into it the harder it is to find a way out.This pitch black and light less hole will hold you till your last breath.Your strong willed mind will not work neither will your sweet soprano voice.Its all gone ,just gone with out you even knowing.
The biggest weapon you two have against each other are secrets.The secrets you once used to share are not just i your memories but in his too.He would find anything to harm you.You would never know what conspiracy he is planning against you.Your unaware of his evil minded perception.Basically his perceptions are clouded by vengeance.If only his perceptions are cleansed everything will appear to him as it is.It is riveting how humans cloud their own perception.How his incessant revengy thoughts make evrything worse.How he ends up in a mist of commotion.How he lurches himself in difficulties.How he abandons his peace of mind.He does all these thing just to traumatize someone he once loved.It fascinates us but we all are a victim of this evil side of human nature.

The author's comments:
Its about human nature

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